Antiques Week Part Two: FRENCH STYLE


There is definitely no shortage of gorgeous French antiques at the Texas shows. And I for one never grow tired of seeing them. Many of the creme de la creme of dealers come from all across the country to sell their finds. Most of these dealers travel to Europe during the year for their inventory and have shops and design centers in areas such as Houston, Atlanta and Dallas.


At dinner one night I met a wonderful antiques dealer from Dallas who decided not to go to France this spring just so she could come and shop the Marburger Show. That speaks volumes doesn't it?




Oh how I adored this dining table and chairs. Notice the seats? Notice the dreamy color? What you don't notice was the really big price tag. And I mean seriously big. As in new car big.

This beautiful vignette of antiques was from Gwen McClure of French By Design. She's based in the Kansas City area and has impeccable style. Her bottles are on the cover of the current issue of Somerset Life. So pretty!




This tattered French chair above was from Shelly of Sweet Pea Home. She actually had a matching pair and they were marked SOLD before the event even started. Seems she couldn't bear to part with them and kept them for herself. Can't say as I blame her. 😉



If I had thought of it, there could have been an entire post just on chandeliers. I have shot this building countless times on my trips to Texas. It's always dazzling!


I really enjoyed all the garden antiques and vignettes. There were old faux bois planters, large troughs, iron plant stands and objects d'art for your garden landscape and many were planted so beautifully.




Well, that does it for this addition of Antiques Week Part Two. I think my wrist now has carpel tunnel from uploading all these photos. I sure hope you enjoyed my take on French Style. Let me know what you think. Would love to hear which pieces you really liked. Up next…Neutrals!

54 Responses to “Antiques Week Part Two: FRENCH STYLE”

  1. Renea Hanna

    Those are some beautiful specimens! Would have LOVED to have gone to such a pretty “yard sale”. 😉

  2. Sue

    Oh the second image is to dine for!
    Seriously ‘new car’ price for that dining setting? Hard to believe, though I guess if you have that kind of money, it would definitely be in my home!

  3. Victoria Lynn

    I loved it all, but I am such a sucker for the chairs…

  4. Heather

    I’m so envious – we just don’t have antiques in Vancouver. I love Texas too.

  5. Victoria @ Whimsy by Victoria

    Ohhh…this is all just so beautiful!!! I love French style and those chandeliers…love! You must have loved getting to see this all in person…I would be in Heaven!

  6. Fabulously French

    Love your photos. Unfortunately a lot of the brocantes in France are not quite as lovely as yours in Texas.
    I think that a lot of antique French chandeliers have moved to the US 🙂
    Leeann x

  7. Tina

    Everything is just so beautiful. Love your photos.
    Always such a pleasure to visit over here.
    ~ Tina

  8. Wendy in Kennewick

    I would fit in with your color photos…. I am green with envy! Lovely photos and you only came home with one trailer load.

  9. Julian Rodriguez

    Heather, You took some great pic’s. I feel like I was there shopping. I luv the photos of the vintage garden goods I think we have a spot on our terrace garden for some of the vintage garden treasures. Thanks for shareing..Julian

  10. Sandi

    The first photo was my favorite. I also loved the color of the gardening pots (not a fan of terra cotta) and I loved the stacks of books. Thank you for sharing!

  11. Sandy Palmer

    Heather I just loved all these images and thanks so much for sharing. I will be looking at these goodies for some time over a coffee I’m sure.

  12. julienne

    Had I been there I would now be in debt up to my eyeballs!!!! Think that is a very dangerous place to visit. Was there anything there that was awful?

  13. teresa

    Oh my goodness, love it…thanks for sharing, you have a wonderful eye, love your pictures.
    My dream is to go there someday. Do they do it the same time and place each year? Please share.
    Have a wonderful day

  14. Thespoena McLaughlin

    I want to go. Darn it! I’ll take one of each item thank you. LOL. Thanks so much for sharing and making me drool today. Hope you have a great week!

  15. Kimberly Kostka

    Really, really, nice that you have taken us along on your fabulous trip. Since I could not go this is the next best thing!
    I love the bird bath, it appears to be smaller than usual and I love the shape and color of it. I guess spring just makes me want to have a new bird bath!

  16. Sweet Pea

    Heather you are so sweet to include my fabulous French chairs in this post. Is it bad form to keep your own stuff at shows? Hmmmm… Well, it was just one of those things I had to do. I could have sold them a hundred times opening day. Always fab to see you and loved the mag to bits.

  17. kathy hansen

    I have been going to Roundtop for years, and sadly couldnt make it this time around, thank you so much for your beautiful pictures, it takes me right back, and how fun to have been in those exact spots, but with your photographers eye, i see what I miss. Thanks and keep them commin..Kathy H.

  18. Janice In Missouri

    Of all the pictures i have looked at on different blogs,yours win!!!! they are the most beautiful pictures, that french furniture is to die for!!!
    I want to go to that show , just to see all the EYE CANDY!!!!

  19. Janice In Missouri

    Oh I forgot, I hope you have lots more to look at

  20. Lisa

    Your pictures as always are beautiful, Heather. That settee in your first picture reminded me of one I saw in the Louvre. So very lovely!

  21. Alisa

    I almost bought that chandelier in the photo under Shelly’s chair.
    If the dealer would have come down a bit more on the price it would be hanging in my bedroom now.
    Beautiful photos!

  22. Lorrie

    I’m itching for a crystal chandelier, and that tattered chair would be just my cup of tea!
    Thanks for sharing all the loveliness.

  23. paige

    new car big!
    that is hysterical
    i’m so thankful i can vicariously antique with you!

  24. Tonya Riggs

    I loved all of the pictures and long for some of those pieces to be in my house! Great work!!

  25. Sylvia

    LOVED it all – especially the french style dining table and chair one – gorgeous pictures.

  26. Tamra

    Oh man would I love that tattered french chair, or even two! How beautiful!!
    Great pictures,

  27. Dee in Ky.

    Really beautiful things…thank you so much for sharing with us. I don’t think that any “booth” that you visited and took photos of has anything on you!!!
    I can never see a crown without thing of you. YOU were the one to inspire my love of them and you have been posting about them for ages. It is really good to be able to view all this loveliness thru your eyes. Thanks for what you do for blogging!!!!

  28. Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage

    Um, this is my third, yes third, trip through these beautiful pictures….I guess I must go to this next year and must bring a large truck……I can’t possibly say what I am enjoying seeing the most….this set of pictures is my favorite today (all of them) until tomorrow when you post the neutrals…..Ok…I am going back for more!!!1

  29. LaurieAnna's Vintage Home

    All of it….but I particularly love Shelly’s chairs! Thanks for sharing all the photos. It takes some of the sting out of not getting to go……some. Your blog is amazing Heather!

  30. Sharon Rohloff

    Wow! You have me drooling over those crowns 🙂 Wouldn’t you like to wear one while making dinner? That would tell the crowd who’s the boss. (tee hee hee) Thanks for sharing your photos and trip. Someday I hope to go to this show but until then I know I can count on you letting me ‘”tag along”.

  31. Anita

    I LOVE the French blue set and the crowns and the old books- oh. I love it all 🙂 When you add in the price of airfare, hotel and expenses, sometimes it is a little cheaper to just come and pick the jewels instead of flying to France. I for one with be there this fallm right after Junk Bonanza- getting some goodies for me 🙂

  32. La maison fou

    What eye candy! Thanks for sharing Heather, I was just in awe of all the booths. I must see them in person!

  33. Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic

    Oops! Need to wipe the drool from my keyboard after viewing all of the pictures from the Texas event. I love it ALL…but my heart did a flip when I saw those huge baskets. OMG! If I was there I would scoop those up in a New York minute 🙂 I have a major PASSION for vintage and antique baskets ~ large, small, any shape! I must make this trip….perhaps in the Fall.

  34. Mary Melb

    I love those antique baskets and that piece with the flowers in it. It is so nice of you to post photos for people who are on the other side of the country.

  35. Dianne

    Thanks for sharing and as a lover of ironstone, it was wonderful to see some pieces hidden in your pictures. Although most of my collection has spots and little dings that I love. I couldn’t believe that table that sits 8, who wouldn’t love that in their kitchen!

  36. pamq

    All looks awesome, but my favorite?
    The tattered chair, by far!
    And then the tattered books in the next photo….
    Thanks for the pictures, can’t wait to see the rest!

  37. Linda Jo

    Wonderful, wonderful pictures! I didn’t make it to Marburger…only Warrenton this year… maybe in the fall.

  38. French Chair

    wow those are amazing. I honesty can say I have neever seen french chairs as unique as those. And that table set…just awesome.

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