Friday Afternoon


My lemon trees are full of blossoms and lemons this year. We've been lemonless for years. I'm really looking forward to picking a few to make lemon bars or maybe lemon chicken or lemon shrimp stir fry or lemon sorbet….

If you look closely in the background of the photo above you will see the gleaming copper plated cupola of our chicken palace. Weather permitting I'm going to take photos for you this weekend to share on Monday.


Bella has been getting used to our newest family members. She plays very well with others. I'm wondering if the chickens will think they are a dog or if my dog will become more chicken like?


I have a feeling that Bella will make a good mother hen. For now she's getting used to their scent and can be seen sniffing their behinds practically all day long. I guess she'll know who's who before long.

When I post the coop photos I will try to answer all your questions. I've been getting lots of emails about chickens and although I'm hardly an expert by any means I will do my best to share what I have learned about them and how we built the coop.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone! I hope it's sunny and bright wherever you are. 

PS. Jewelry Giveaway winner announced at the bottom of this post. Congratulations!

33 Responses to “Friday Afternoon”

  1. Shannon

    They have gotten so big already! Looking forward to the pictures of their palace 🙂 Happy Weekend to you!

  2. Rene Lewis

    I have just recently discovered your blog. It is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

  3. holly abston

    It takes a lot for me to actually get off of google reader and come comment on a blog these days, but this is SO adorable! Most dogs want to eat the chickens, yours will be a mother hen!

  4. Jackie

    How fun!! How sweet is your dog to be with the baby chicks! Our neighbor behind us has chickens and they are really pretty and lay the most beautifully colored eggs!!

  5. Heidi - Birds of a Feather

    Too sweet! Lucky you can let them roam – we have an acre of land, but this past weekend as we were sitting there designing our coop – a hawk flew overhead! I can’t wait to see what my dog & cats think of our new babies…a couple more weeks! In the meantime I’m living vicariously through you 🙂
    xo Heidi

  6. Jo

    The lemon trees blooms are beautiful! Chicks and puppy are adorable. I think our English Bulldog would be afraid of them 🙂

  7. Dede Warren

    I think the secret to your lemons lies in all the rain we’ve had the past few months Heather. Enjoy!

  8. Trina

    Bella is so sweet with your little chicks. And your lemon tree reminds me of my childhood. My Mom would send me outside to pick a lemon whenever she was making guacamole. Have a wonderful weekend. Trina

  9. Susan

    i would love lemons trees, i make lots of lemonade 🙂 have a nice weekend too! susan

  10. judi

    I’m visiting from The Frugal Designer via a link for your mason jar soap dispenser. I did something similar, however I like the zinc lid much better!
    Its so nice to see green grass, baby chicks and a cute dog…spring is coming! It’s still cold and somewhat gloomy in the NE today so your pics were a ray of sunshine, if you will.
    Signed up to follow along, I’ve so enjoyed your blog.
    ~judi 😉

  11. julie

    hi heather! i just love your blog! bella and the chicks are so sweet together! looking forward to seeing the chicken coop! do you live in a neighborhood? i would love to have some chickens but i dont think my neighborhood would allow it!

  12. Carol Smithback

    Aren’t the lemons glorious this year? I have been inspired to try as many different lemon bar recipes as I can! Can’t wait to see the chick’s new cottage.

  13. susie harris

    If I knew how I would just hop right into your blog and live a while~ Love it! Love your style!
    xoxoxo Susie

  14. Counting Your Blessings

    Awww… the little chicks are darling! I’ve wanted to have chickens for the last couple years but somehow I don’t think the historic society will go for it. So for now it’s an old chicken-less farmhouse.
    Blessings… Polly

  15. Ellen

    I have family that bring me fresh eggs occasionally, and I predict that you will be addicted. The very most interesting result happened when I baked with them…wonderful, reminded me of when I was a child. smiles.

  16. Mary

    Hey I enjoy your blog and Lov the baby chicks. Beautiful .Thare is a FABULOUS kitchen redo over on “”My cottage charm.” To die for . keep up the great work..

  17. Wendy

    Too cute. When we let our chickens out, they mingle with the cats and neither group seems to mind. They even scare the cats away to get to the cat food!


    The pictures are just precious! Can’t wait to see the chicken coop and progress reports! I think Bella is going to make the perfect Mother Hen!
    Seeing the lemon tree blossoms makes me miss California. My Mom has a lovely tree in her yard that grows the largest lemons. Kills me to go to the store and buy 2 for $1.00 🙁 The blossoms are lovely aren’t they? Oh the smell….the lemon bars…the tabbouli salad…

  19. Elaine L.

    Those pictures are too sweet!
    I’m really looking forward to seeing your chicken coop. It’s sure to be amazing.

  20. Kim

    Mmmm…lemon sorbet…you lucky lady, to have lemons in your backyard.
    And, I just love those photos of Bella sniffing the chicks. Too cute!

  21. maryann

    i can’t believe your precious little Bella just sniffs the chicks! that is so sweet and adorable!!!! thank you for sharing those pictures. they made me happy!

  22. Jenn

    I have been browsing my new book Blogging for Bliss …
    and I just found you in it!! =) I love the book!
    I have been following you a short time now ~ your blog is beautiful and inspiring. Congrats on the feature in the book!
    Jenn ~
    OH… LOVE the chickys and the very good dog!! and the chicken coop!! I think that is how I found you was when Farm Girl Paints ?? featured your coop! =)

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