Chick, Chick, Hooray


The Girls have finally arrived! And let me just say they are as adorable in real life as you can imagine. The neighbors have been over, the mailman, the nieces, the grandma, the sisters and everyone is instantly smitten by how cute they are.


We chose several types of hens including Rhode Island Red, Easter Egger, Buff Orpington and Barred Plymouth Rock. This will ensure we have a variety of egg colors ranging from pale brown to blue green. And we all know how important the egg color is to our home decor and culinary adventures. 😉


Their Hen Palace is just about finished as well. We just need to finish laying the used brick walkway in front of it and adding a small amount of landscaping. I promise photos as soon as it's finished. The Man has done an amazing job building it….amazing!


We sort of laugh about how "lucky" these chicks are to come to our house. They have no idea how hard he's been working on their abode or how lavish their accomodations will be as far as chicken standards.


But for now, they are growing rapidly in their temporary shelter until they are big enough to move into their new digs and we are enjoying playing with them and seeing how entertaining they can be.


Not to mention how stinkin' cute they are! And for those very few of you who might not be interested in fuzzy little feathered friends…I promise not to turn this into a chicken blog. As hard as that might be for me.

124 Responses to “Chick, Chick, Hooray”

  1. Barb

    Back in the day when you could find little chicks (we called them peeps) at the 5 and 10 at Easter time, we always got some to bring home. They were the cutest little things and I remember one that used to follow me wherever I went. Luckily, my great aunt had a farm, and when they got too big to keep, she took them to her hen house. She said she could always tell which chickens had been our peeps, as they were more tame and friendly to her. Your little chicks bring back such fond memories and they are adorable!

  2. sandi

    What a cute post. They are adorable. Love the little chicks. sandi

  3. Marla

    Oh boy those are the most adorable chickies. I can’t wait to see more pics. Very sweet with the china cup and the other decor. Smiles, Marla

  4. jules white

    Oh, you did it. You are now one of us “chicken talkers” …that is! You know, those of us who comment on how lovely our chickens are… How wonderfully they are doing…their different personalities, which one greets us first…what they love to eat…the AMAZING color of their eggs…how different “an organic from you backyard coop” is from an “organic from the market” egg is…and of course…there are the concerns we have…I had one that ended up at the vets and…well, see what I mean…I can’t wait to see your pictures…jules

  5. Sandy Palmer

    Heather these images you have taken are adorable. Love them. Sandy x

  6. TheGypsyMagpie

    Oh please be sure to keep updating with the little chick pictures… they are darling beyond words. How lucky you are to be a chicken-mama! And the photo with the beautiful china cup is sooooo cute.

  7. Kacey

    They are just adorable! I love the styling you’ve done for those lucky chicks. Can’t wait to see them grow!

  8. Shannon

    Oh my goodness they are so stinkin cute! What a great little photo shoot you set up for them. I can’t wait to see their beautiful colored eggs and of course their new home!


    yay! you got chickens! your gonna love them! can’t wait to see their new home! what are their names? you gotta name them ya know.
    LOVE LOVE LOVE the magazine! of course everyone does! i think you are amazing! ( from your favorite baker! hehe )

  10. Maureen S

    What cute photos. I’ll say it again…CUTE!!! You could definately sell those.

  11. adrianna

    Oh My Goodness! So cute. I just want to cup one in my hand for a miniature hug!!

  12. Laura

    Oh my! Chicks never looked this adorable! Your photos are really great….love them!

  13. Morning T

    How did you manage to capture all of these incredible photos? You are such a talented lady…such adorable chicks and amazing images of them.

  14. Jody Smith

    Love those pictures! My cousin and her hubby got chicks last year so my family had to go give them some loving and of course name them! Have fun! We sure do love the eggs that come from Cuz’s chicks!
    Thanks for sharing,

  15. Tami

    How adorable….they all posed so well for their debut!
    Looking forward to seeing the coop!

  16. Karen B

    SO A D O R A B L E!!!! Can’t wait to see their new house. And in a little dresser, Heather? How ever did you think of that. Seriously cute!

  17. rita

    Heather! Oh you don’t know how your life is going to change….you seen my blog it’s almost all about my chicks, we are getting some more. Welcome to chicken world. They are so cute. Have you named them yet? Ciao Rita

  18. Hopeful Homemaker

    Baby chicks in a china teacup?!! Never in a million years would I have thought of that, but there they are, and they’re some of the greatest photos ever. Well done! They’re adorable. Best wishes in your new adventure.

  19. Cap Creations

    How cute! And your pictures are amazing. I love how you’ve photographed them in the cup/bowl (not sure what it is) and with the mini dresser. Beautiful! What a great card those would make.

  20. Lu Tapp

    I love little chicks! We had them for a short time when we were young. My sister loved them. My mom ended up giving them away, because we didn’t have a farm, just a small back yard..We loved those little cute!~lulu

  21. Megan

    Adorable!!! I just want to rub that soft furry fuzz against my cheek. Is that weird? hehehe I wouldn’t mind anymore pictures of these cuties 🙂

  22. Elaine L.

    I can’t wait to see your pics!
    We had a chicken coop and ordered a variety of chicks. Unfortunately, we live in the hills of Palmdale and a dog tore into the pen. Not good.
    Be careful to wash your hands and anything that comes into the house that has contact with the eggs. Our daughter, who was three at the time, ended up with salmonela.

  23. pamq

    I was wondering if you would get some Easter Egg chicks!
    ‘Cuz nothing says yummy more than green and blue eggs…..
    Very cool!

  24. Rebecca

    They are too adorable for words. Such little fuzzy wuzzies. lol
    Thanks for sharing!
    Back Porch Blessings,

  25. maryann

    Oh my goodness! They are adorable! And your photos are lovely!
    I got to have a chicken when I was growing up, and I absolutely LOVED her! Have fun with all of yours!

  26. Trina

    They’re absolutely too cute! Your photographs are, as always, beautiful and capture every little sweet, precious and completely adorable thing about them. How much fun! Trina

  27. Sue

    They are the most gorgeous photos Heather, i love chicks!
    My eldest daughter works in a preschool, and a few days ago, she arrived at work, only to find a big black chicken wandering around the backyard!
    She has been trying to convince me that we need to have chickens again, but seriously, a cocker spaniel and chickens dont mix, but oh, they are so adorable!
    Handle them alot, and they will be like a cat or dog, even venture into the house if you let them, ours use to!

  28. Chelsea

    Oh my – these photos are adorable! When/if we ever have a larger piece of property I want these little guys! Thanks for sharing.

  29. CornerofCatsMind

    How adorable are these little chicks! And your photos of them with the little props are wonderful. Cute! I can hardly wait to you pictures of their new home. I bet it’s going to be cute! They are indeed very lucky little chickens to be living at your house. 🙂

  30. Jo

    They are adorable! I love the photos you took of them.

  31. natalea

    Right now I’d have to say I wouldn’t mind if this turned into a chicken blog- because they are just that cute!! OMG!
    As I said on flickr- PLEASE make these photos into postcards- they would be perfect for Easter! Just looking at these photos made me happy today!
    SO sweet…I want to come and play with them!
    have fun with little chickies!

  32. Dee

    Wicked cute chicks! Ive always wanted a few of those big chubby white geese ~ but now, YIPES! If I didn’t have 2 ferociously mean orange furballs ~ I would snap those chicks right up. Very sweet – good luck with them.

  33. kaye thornton

    They are SO cute! Love the china in the pictures too. Is there a blog-post regarding how you came to raise chickens? (the eggs I’m sure) I’ve recently come across a handfull of people raising chickens in their backyards for the eggs. Anyway, I was just wondering if I missed some reading.
    Thanks for sharing! Love your blog.
    Kaye Thornton

  34. Debbie York

    I would love to have chickens if my husband didn’t have this phobia…he breaks out into the Chicken Dance every time he’s close to one!
    They are precious and is their temporary home that little dresser you bought from me at Zapp a few years ago?

  35. Kristy

    I agree with the above commenter, this is the cutest post ever. Covenant restrictions in our neighborhood are the only thing keeping me from running out and getting our family some!! Guess I will be living vicariously through your blog!

  36. Kristy

    p.s. You should send those photos to the place you bought your chickens, their sales would go through the roof.

  37. Megan

    Adorable pics. It’s still too cold here for me to be ordering chicks, but, believe me, I’ve been shopping. And now I want them NOW! Thanks for sharing!

  38. EB Finds

    Great chick pics! I have had 7 in my house for the last 2 weeks, and as cute as they are, I am ready to get them out into the coop, like now! I Love love love raising chickens. It is so satisfying and fun, and the kids enjoy collecting the rainbow eggs each day! Enjoy!

  39. Zuzu

    Please OH please, Heather, do blog more about them – I would LOVE to learn to raise chickens!!!

  40. Sherrie

    Oh my goodness. Perfect timing for your post. We are getting chickens. My daughter finally convinced me that we just had to get chickens. For months now, she has researched what is the best kind, what type of shelter to build, bought me books so I can check it out for myself. She is 21 and is going through “be all natural phase”. I know she is not alone as people want to be more self sufficient. Her father is working on the design and has assured me that it will be “pretty”. I can’t wait to see your pics as well as show mine. So please keep on doing the “peep posts”. Thank you.

  41. Raised In Cotton~Carol

    Hey Peep:) You have your own sweet PEEPS now. I am dying they are sooo dang cute. I especially love the one with the stenciled (of course) details on his wings. I can’t wait to see their coop because I know it will beyond chick (chic).

  42. Deborah & the gang ~..~ ^..^ ~..^

    Heather…thanks for those lovely pictures. Please keep us updated. Have you posted pictures of their digs??? Would love to see. Just keep’em warm and be careful of visitors who also have chickens. It’s easy to spread disease from flock to flock. Lucky, lucky chicks♥ Deb

  43. Deborah & the gang ~..~ ^..^ ~..^

    Heather…thanks for those lovely pictures. Please keep us updated. Have you posted pictures of their digs??? Would love to see. Just keep’em warm and be careful of visitors who also have chickens. It’s easy to spread disease from flock to flock. Lucky, lucky chicks♥ Deb

  44. Deborah & the gang ~..~ ^..^ ~..^

    Heather…thanks for those lovely pictures. Please keep us updated. Have you posted pictures of their digs??? Would love to see. Just keep’em warm and be careful of visitors who also have chickens. It’s easy to spread disease from flock to flock. Lucky, lucky chicks♥ Deb

  45. Nan

    Love the chick pics! We have had chickens for almost 2 years and we love them. They all have different personalities and it’s nice to have an animal that “gives back”! We have one green egg layer, Suzy, who is very special to us. Enjoy!

  46. lululiz

    They are absolutely adorable, and I am not surprised that everyone has been to see them and loved them. The photographs are superb.

  47. deb

    Your pictures made my day……ones of these days I would love to see them in person!!!!!!

  48. blondiensc

    Seriously…how cute is that little dresser they are kickin’ it on??? honestly this might have just made my day a wee bit brighter being that they are so stinkin’ cute and fuzzy…do you carry them around in your pockets just so they can make you smile all day??? And if you turn this into a chicken blog, just know I am ok with that! 🙂

  49. Lisa

    Hey Heather!
    Your chicks are adorable. You are so lucky to be able to have them. My brother has them at his house and I would love to as well, but our Home Owner’s Association wouldn’t like it much. Also want to mention great job on the magazine. It turned out awesome and I love the stories you did including the picture of me and Dexter.

  50. Angie

    To cute!!! Looking forward to seeing their humble abode! Would also love to see photos of your living room since you’ve painted!!

  51. The Frugal Designer

    Awwww…. bring on the chicken blog…I would love to have some of my own, so I shall live vicariously through your pics and descrips… Rayan

  52. Rose C.

    Sooo sooo cute…when I was little I got a chick from the local grocery store..see those photos takes me back (way back-lol)… please show photos of the chic house asap. I’m so envious! By the way, the photos as usual are unbelievable!

  53. LilyOake

    I love, love baby chicks – got myself three last spring (two white leghorns and a barred rock) because I wanted farm fresh eggs daily and we do get 3 a day from those girls! They follow me around the yard – have done a brilliant job of weeding the flower beds all winter but their days of free-ranging thru the backyard are numbered as we are building an enclosed “run” so we can have a veggie garden this spring. Urban farming is terrific – next up for me is to take bee keeping classes thru and after that, we’ll see.
    My boyfriend built a palace-of-a-coop too!

  54. Wendy

    Their accomodations alreaady seem pretty lavish… dresser with a mirror and ready for a tea party.

  55. Lorraine Lewis

    those are the sweetest images ever- oh how I want a few baby chicks- the hubby says NO WAY! Looks like I am going to have to do some kissing up!

  56. amy sutter

    OMG, so absolutely adorable! The photos and cute little vignettes are soooo perfect. These could certainly make the chic*est greeting cards for easter too!
    Warmest regards,

  57. JoDell Ricker

    The cute things do grow up and are not so sweet. When I was young my father owned a Purina feed store and he would get colored chicks at Easter, we would pick them up at the post office and you could hear those babies peeping before we went in. Enjoy your babies.

  58. Jennifer

    Love your baby chicks…and the adorable pics. We got our first chicks last spring and are so attatched to them! I hope you enjoy yours as much as we have enjoyed ours.
    And my silly hubby says he definitely understands how important those egg colors are! LOL

  59. Kimberly Moody

    Heather–Only you can make chicks look even cuter than they already are. Awesome props!!

  60. Kimberly

    H~ Love them! So cute. How is Bella doing with the new additions? Blessings my friend. Kimberly

  61. Sherry

    They are so adorable! One Easter, many many years ago, my parents bought me a little chick. I loved that little bird…until one day I came home and he had gotten into the toliet and drowned!

  62. julie

    they are too cute! i just said today that i would love to have one or two but i dont think my neighborhood would allow it! i would love to have fresh eggs! how wonderful! cant wait to see thier new home!

  63. Annie

    Oh, go ahead and do turn this into a chicken blog! I love my girls and they are my pets as well as supplying us with the best eggs you can get. Most people don’t realize how much personality a chicken can have. And, those blue and green eggs, well, you can’t beat that! When I took a carton of them to a friend, she looked a bit bewildered, then said ‘Oh, you even dyed them for me.”

  64. Daisy Cottage

    They are so adorable!
    Gorgeous photos Heather! I LOVED your features in FMS – bravo on a job well done. I’m so happy for you.

  65. Good Grief Girdie

    How cute and fun…………love your photos and am excited about your new friends. I will look forward to seeing their new home.

  66. Michele

    I love your photos, the chicks in the teacup made me chuckle outloud.
    Thanks for sharing.

  67. Heidi

    Oh my Heather they are SO adorable! I can’t believe you got chickens ~ mine are coming the end of April, and I can’t wait!!! I’ve been a bit obsessed over coop design…and in my research found wallpapered, chandeliered, and fully decorated coops ~ but of course! I cannot wait to see yours ~ I’m sure it’s safe to say that we will all be envious and want to move right in ourselves!
    Best of luck with the babies ~
    xo Heidi

  68. Amy

    My sister and I got baby chicks for easter one year and we LOVED those little things! Lots of fond memories. My currenty boss got chicks in the fall and it is awesome to check on them and collect eggs after work for fresh fritatta on a weekend. Enjoy your chickies!!

  69. Erica@ZunkyChic

    OMG! I actually gasped. Your photos are fabulous. You remind me of how we ended up raising two little peeps in our garage, and then into their electrified “coop” in the backyard. They are the sweetest, adorable-est little things ever! I love that you are so creative with your photos. I never thought to do something so sweet with our peeps.

  70. vanessa

    I am so excited to have discovered your site and blog. I feel absolutely inspired… my heart sings with possibility. Thank you!!!!!!

  71. Padgett Hoke

    I have no clue how you got such amazing photos of those chics, I am so totally in love! thank you for sharing!

  72. Denise West

    How stinkin’ cute are they? I just saw a magazine at Barnes & Noble this week, Mary Jane farms and they were showing awesome coop builds. They were as nice as play houses peeps build for their kids. My neighbors got some last Easter but this neighborhood does not allow farm animals and they had to take them away. We heard a certain noise 24/7 while they had them…Cock-a-doodle-doo!! lol

  73. Herself

    Oh goody, Heather.
    I’ve had a life long love affair with chickens. I know you’ll love your little hens as much as we love ours.

  74. Dawn

    Love the pictures. We got some chickens a few years ago and they have been so much fun. Enjoy your chicks!!!

  75. Nancy

    We used to have chickens when I was growing up and I loved them! Could watch them for hours. I always think about having a chicken coop and one of my favorite past times is to think of good chicken names…to each her own, what can I say! Wold love to see future post, and wil definately need to see the Hen Palace once complete!

  76. Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality

    Heather, what cute little critters those chicks are & how fun that you’re going to raise them for eggs. I think that is great. WE had chickens when I was little & used to love to gather the eggs. There’s a feed store not to far from us that has baby chicks & ducks during spring and they are adorable. Makes me want one too!
    Your blog is always such a visual treat for the eyes. So happy that you are part of Flea Market Style!

  77. Laurie

    Oh my gosh! They are so adorable-cannot wait to see that chicken house. I’ve always had a dream of having chickens and collecting eggs.

  78. Gwen

    Oh my goodness! I am in love with your little chickies! so very cute and fuzzy.. I want some too!

  79. monica

    Heather, you made my day with these sweet shots!
    They’re incredible, I especially love the sets with vintage goodies!
    Can’t wait to see more!
    Have a glorious we,

  80. Ronnie Gunn Tucker

    Chick super models. It’s good you’re getting these great shots now. That adolescent chicken stage is brutal.
    What a beautiful blog. Southern Hospitality sent me.
    I guess I’ve been living in a cave.

  81. Rosemary

    They are so cute Heather, seriously cute!!
    How fun for you and your family to have baby chicks, especially for Easter/Spring time.
    Anyway I was stopping by to tell you how much I am enjoying the new magazine. I finally found a copy at the magazine stand in our town.
    Love, love, love it!!
    Great job!!
    Have a happy weekend,

  82. Tamra

    “Chicken Blog” now that’s funny!
    I too love my chickens and the little chicks each spring are so fun. Lovely pictures, really.
    Thank you.

  83. carole

    They are so sweet!! I can’t wait until our barn is finished being resided so I can get some babies….

  84. Elaine Power

    Hee Hee how cute, & you have them trained well already Heather they are great models!! Enjoy, especially the eggs when they get to do some laying, looking forward to seeing there new abode, Elaine 🙂

  85. Jeanne

    I want chicks so badly. I think my sister and I might start this spring at her farm. These photos are so stinkin cute!!!!

  86. naturegirl

    Heather just too cute!!! I’ve been away for some time fighting cancer but now I’m fine so I’m making my rounds once again and what a delight to land in on this post! Your blog continues to be medicine to the spirit!Your sharing of ideas an inspiration!
    Thank you!xo

  87. alaurajane

    OOOOOOOOOOO how sweet tiny cute adorable fluffy darling they are…… I so can’t wait to see their new home,,, they are lucky to have a home with you….. have fun with them..

  88. karen

    OMG! They are so cute! Those pictures would make darling easter or spring cards! karen….

  89. Marianne@Songbird

    Oh they look so cute and sweet (but you do know there is a really ugly fase that follows this one, before they become majestic ladies). Enjoy your new addition to the family!

  90. Cheryl

    I love the photos of the little chicks…especially in the cafe au lait bowl! They are all adorable birdies…what fun you will have with them. Do show us their new home when they settle in 😉


    It’s official. I have Chicken lust. I’ve been wanting them forever! Please DO keep us updated on their little lives, won’t you?
    I believe here in Mission Viejo we are allowed hens….going to find out for sure now!!

  92. Jenny

    It’s been 3 years since we started keeping chickens over here at the Orange House Ranch. They’ve been a blessing and a nuisance at times. Once you’ve got farm fresh eggs, you’ll never be able to buy store bought again! Just remember how cute they once were when they eat your prized flowers! LOL! Best of luck to you with your new little friends.

  93. Stacy~Creativemuse

    I love your chicks in the tea cup stinkin’ cute! As I told you before we have 5 chickens one is a mini rooster he’s so cute…but I really want the Green eggs and some Dark brown ones too. Did you get yours at the feed store on one of the online sites?
    They will love thier home. You will be amazed at how they brighten up your life.
    All my children are still loving having them but recently the twins are doing so much for themselves they are collecting the eggs in thier tiny little hands so Precious.

  94. Kimberly Shaw

    I’m so jealous of your adorable chicks. You have photographed them so glamorously. I’m promised some this Spring from a friend, and now I can’t wait. Looking forward to seeing more of them on your “chicken blog.”

  95. Nancy

    So sweet! Only you could get your little chicks to pose in a tea cup! Have fun with them!

  96. angela | the painted house

    Awww, a perfect way to end my day–now if only I could stuff one of those, uh, lovingly, of course, in my pocket! I’m sure they’re perfect for nuzzling–that is, if they don’t peck your eye out in retaliation for the pocket stuffing. Anyway, SO CUTE!!!!
    I’m here via Hooked on Houses!

  97. Abby Jones

    Excellent!!! We rescued 3 rhode island reds several years ago from a neighbor who didn’t realize it is a fulltime commitment to care for fowl!! Ruby, Lucy and Ethel. They unfortunately met their end by a coyote. The next 4 we purchased, them being Ruby 2, Lucy and Ethel and a rooster named Frank. Bad things happen to good chickens. Lucy is the only 1 left of that group, but then we bought 6 rhode island red peeps last May. They are grown up girls now……GLoria, Cheryl, Kaitlyn, Gracie, Rachel and Hannah (named by our 5 year old grandson). My husband and son built an awesome little red chicken house and run. We live on 2 acres (in town) and they are “free range” girls. Just great. Each one has her own personality. We average 5-7 eggs per day. They go back to their little red chicken house each evening. Since it is Oklahoma, we have a heater for them in winter and LARGE fan in the summer. Your chicken house is just beautiful. Keep lots of cedar chips both on the floor and in their nests. That is the least smell. They are messy and should be cleaned every day. Enjoy, they are darling.

  98. Jennifer

    The images are beautiful! Could you tell me what maker & pattern the teacup is? I love the bright spring colors.

  99. Cindy Lou Hoo

    LOVE YOUR COOP AND YOUR NEW BABIES!!!HOW CUTE ARE THEY!!!We are building a farm in Idaho and I can hardly wait to join in the fun!!!Farm Blessings!!!!Cindy lou hoo!!!

  100. Christina @ I Gotta Create!

    These are the cutest little chick photos EVER!! I had to pin twice. Wow ~ your photography is amazing.
    <3 Christina @ I Gotta Create!
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