Homemade Gifts: Cinnamon Honey Butter


I found a fantastic recipe for a quick, easy and delicious gift on this fun blog. Which I found by way of her twin sister’s wonderful design blog. Quite a pair those two! Always sharing such incredible creativity and their love of faith and family. Be sure to pay them a visit…I know you’ll enjoy them as much as I do!

Cinnamon Honey Butter

2 Sticks Softened Butter
1 Cup Powdered Sugar
1 Cup Honey
2 Teaspoons Ground Cinnamon

Using the whisk attachment in your mixer, blend all ingredients until it is smooth and has an even consistency. Occasionaly scrape down the sides of the mixer with a rubber spatula to ensure even mixing. Scoop all of it into a Ziploc bag and pipe it into the small quilted Ball jars. You don’t have to use the plastic bag but it helped me from getting it all over the place and seemed to make clean up a cinch.

I actually doubled the recipe and it made 9 jars. I highly recommend doubling it because it’s so tasty and everyone will love it. And it only took about 20 minutes from start to finish, easy peasy!

43 Responses to “Homemade Gifts: Cinnamon Honey Butter”

  1. Christina

    Thank you soooo much! How sweet for last minute gifting! I L.O.V.E. hoey butter, esp. w/ cinnamon!

  2. Amy Wathen

    Thanks so much for posting this… it sounds delicious and is exactly what I was looking for for a quick little homemade gift. You always have the best recipes!!

  3. sheila (tatteredgoods)

    Such a sweet and easy recipie… thanks so much for directing to a new site as well, they are cutie pies.
    Merry Christmas!

  4. Charlene

    Sounds yummy on fresh baked biscuts… or anything. Thanks for sharing. Love the little decorated jar. Would make a perfect gift. Charlene

  5. Carla

    Ooo, this sound yummy, Heather! I will definitely try this recipe. A basket filled with homemade biscuits or scones with a jar of that honey butter – now that would make a great gift!
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Darby

    Hey Heater! So glad you enjoyed it… it really is so simple, quick, and delicious!!

  7. Jenn

    thanks. I’ve been looking for something just like this and I’ve got all those ingredients in my house! =)

  8. Jennifer

    I’m ready to go with these two butter recipes – I work in a high school heath room and these are easy enough to prepare when I get home after school in the afternoon! Thanks and Happy Holidays, Jennifer

  9. Violet

    That sound delightful and EASY and fast, just the thing I need to give to neighbors!!! Thanks for the recipe and the idea!!! ~ Violet

  10. Rose C.

    Thanks for the butter recipe idea…it’s perfect for my annual homemade gift to neighbors and friends!! Will be making several batches this weekend!

  11. erin

    what a simple, home made from the heart gift. a perfect hostess gift. thanks for sharing this recipe!

  12. Julie M.

    Oooh, cinnamon toast sounds REALLY good right now! Thank you so much for the lovely recipe!
    : )
    Julie M.

  13. Andrea Hamilton

    Oh my! I just made a double batch and can’t stop slathering the extra honey cinneamon butter on everything in sight! It’s insanely delicious! It even tastes good on fingers! 🙂 Your recipes are always a sure hit! Happy season of light of love, Heather!

  14. ann

    awesome heather! does this have to be refrigerated???? happy holidays!

  15. Heather Bullard

    Hi Ashley,
    They’re from my vintage stash. But on some jars I used small jingle bells from the craft store tied with twine and a sprig of greenery. Smiles, H

  16. maría cecilia

    Dear Heather, I wish you and your family a very happy and wonderful christmas, and may next year be of happiness and much blessings to you all.
    Con mucho cariño,
    Maria Cecilia

  17. Dee in Ky.

    Heather, thank you so much for the recipe of Honey Butter. I will be trying it this holiday season. Thank you so much for your “gift” that you give to all who wish to explore your blog. It is truly a gift.I hate to think what a day would be without looking at your blog. It is snowing really hard hee in Kentucky and the mountains are just beautiful. THere is a lot ob beauty in this world for people to see. You bring a lot to this household. Merry Christmas and God bless you and that husband that you love so dearly and your beautiful daughter.As I said before, you bring a lot of happiness into my household. Pleas don’t ever change!!

  18. Dee in Ky.

    Please excuse the “absence ” of some of the letters in my words. They are not mispelled just missing…I do that a lot. Going to have to be more careful in my “old days”.

  19. Karen

    Mmmm, this sounds wonderful. I’m thinking I’m going to have to make a bread of some sort to put this on! Then again, that pound cake sounds wonderful, too! Thanks for sharing! Karen

  20. Kass

    Now that my cookie swap is over.. I ll be making this delicious looking recipe. Wish I had read the post before my party.. this certainly looks like a keeper!

  21. Teri

    Thanks for this wonderful recipe and idea. I made a double batch, packaged it and gave it to the other “girls” in my Sunday School class. I just love homemade gifts and hope they did too. Merry Christmas!!

  22. Wendy in Kennewick

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm good. I also made a double batch for my quilting buds. Thanks all your beautiful photos and ideas and have a Merry Christmas.

  23. susan st. john

    Hey girl,
    Let me in on my secret when I have to fill things…use a canning funnel. When I make mulled cider and I want to ladle some into a mug, I put the funnel in the mug, then I can ladle without worry. If the mouth of the funnel fits in the jars, this might help with the filling. I use this method when I have to fill jars with powders or liquids. Try it, see if you like it.
    Cinnamon is my most favorite spice, going to make this for sure!

  24. chandlerguera

    I made the honey butter last night and it is delicious! I’m sitting here with my Irish breakfast tea and an English muffin slathered in the honey butter. THANKS for the recipe.

  25. Susan

    i still need a few gifts for the neighbors i think i’ll whip up a batch! thank you for sharing the links, i’ll be sure to checkout their blogs! merry christmas! susan

  26. Dannee

    The butter, is it salted or unsalted butter? This sounds so good and I really want to try it. We usually use country crock so I am going to have to go buy butter. I can’t wait to try this.

  27. Karen

    How long does this last if keot in the refrigerator? Thanks!

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