Matilda’s Mouse


On Friday, I was invited to attend the monthly antique barn sale at Matilda’s Mouse by my friends Gale and Sandra. They are both vendors at the sale and have incredible style and I knew everything would be over the top gorgeous. Here are some images from the day with limited interuption…












The historic home and barn were once owned by Betty Crocker and the grounds are so charming. I especially loved all the boxwood hedges lining the walkways.



Isn’t it a beautiful location and aren’t the displays incredible? It’s the perfect place to take your girlfriends shopping for an afternoon. They even have a coffee truck with hot java and goodies for you to fuel up on. And there’s nothing like a day of Christmas inspiration to get you in the holiday spirit! For me the inspiration carried over to Sunday at the flea market where I continued buying vintage ornaments. It’s contagious I tell you! Thank you ladies of Matilda’s for a fantastic day shopping and visiting with you!

The next sale is December 11-13. They are located at 29200 Miller Road, Valley Center, CA. If I were you…I’d plan on going to this one. I heard it was going to be a winter white extravaganza!

39 Responses to “Matilda’s Mouse”

  1. Gale Payne

    Thank you so much, Heather, for spending the morning with us at Matildas! I’m glad your English Lady didn’t give you any more trouble the remainder of the day! Ha!
    Hope to see you again at a show or two at Matildas! And yes, the White Christmas is “over the top” beautiful!
    My Best


    Oh my! I’m a little overwhelmed with the magnificent beauty of it all! This must be what swooning feels like! Thank you, Heather, for showing all of these treasures – so inspiringly (is that a new word I made up?) arranged. What talented people!
    I had for about twenty years an etagre almost identical to the white one that has the white Santa Claus on it. Mine was the original ebonized finish and was from England. They are so similar! Kind of wish I had it now so I could paint it white…
    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings) Blogspot

  3. Laura

    Wonderful photographs! The pinks and bright greens are not my usual color palette at Christmas but against the creamy whites it is quite striking! Thank you for the inspiration.
    Take care, Laura

  4. Mlle Magpie

    Absolutely gorgeous, gorgeous displays. Thanks so much for the tour, Heather. Lots of beautiful inspiration there.

  5. rita

    Buongiorno Heather,
    I had the pleasure to meet Gale and Sandra and follow Gale’s blog. They are both amazing decorators! Thank you for the peeks. Ciao Rita

  6. Nancy

    Oh my gosh..I have been receiving the email invites and have not gone to one sale! I will be there in December! It is drop dead gorgeous and that drying rack with ornaments made my jaw drop. I have always loved those and just found a source for reproductions so I may have to steal that idea for the shop next year! heehee…counting the days until Dec 11th…

  7. Diane

    Wow…these pictures make me want to jump in my truck and drive to California. Unfortunately, I live on the east coast, so I won’t be doing that. However, it makes me want to shop and decorate nonetheless. Beautiful pictures! I’ll just have to throw open the windows and pretend I’m there.

  8. teresa

    How totally wonderful….you get to do all the fun stuff…that’s not fair =)
    Happy Day

  9. rue

    How wonderful to see my friend Heather’s (Cottage Dreaming) mom here! I love her store and only wish I still lived in California so I could shop there in person 🙂

  10. Ticking and Toile

    ok…wow!! I am dying/drooling over every single picture!! I just found your blog & think I have stumbled onto something fabulous! Can’t wait to browse your older posts!

  11. Erica H.

    How beautiful! I wish I was in CA that weekend – looks so lovely. And what a wonderful historic location.


    what beautiful photographs! you’ve given me such inspiration for decorating this holiday season. thanks

  13. Barbara

    Amazing…..wish I lived in California or was planning a visit in December.

  14. Spring

    I am so excited to be introduced to you from the inspired room! Looking forward to some lovely browsing on your sites!

  15. Gail

    Your photos alone are inspiring. I love this site. Thank you for putting up quality work to inspire us!

  16. Judy

    I must share this with my mother, an antique dealer for over 40 years! Thanks, Inspired Room, for sharing Heather with me!

  17. Robin

    What fabulous images to peruse this early morning! Thanks for sharing the beauty, not to mention sending me off to follow even more inspiring blogs….


    Absolutely gorgeous!!! love your blog and your store! Sharyl Simeone

  19. Kim Fleming

    I’m just amazed at the creativity that went into those displays. Absolutely stunning.
    I didn’t know that there was a real Betty Crocker! I thought that she was made up!

  20. Heather Bullard

    Yes, it was Marjorie Child Husted who created “Betty Crocker” and lived in the house. She tested her recipes in the kitchen. Which she had actually turned into a commercial kitchen. It has since then been restored to a farmhouse style kitchen with copper countertops!
    Smiles, H

  21. maría cecilia

    Hi Heather, Matilda´s Mouse shop is incredible beautiful!!! So great to shop in places like hers… no many around the place where I live.
    And your photos are just gorgeous!!!
    Muchos cariños
    María Cecilia

  22. Eleanor

    Heather, this is one of my favorites of your posts! My husband and I are not planning to put up a big tree this year, but I do want to decorate, and you gave me some fabulous ideas: using my crosses, “pearl necklaces”, Madonna with child items, and even the thought to make new family stockings to include my husband’s grown son and his girlfriend. Thank you!

  23. The Vintage Rabbit

    Love Matilda’s Mouse….. Don’t get up there that often…but it is well worth the trip…..
    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving heather,
    smiles, Joy~

  24. Lori

    Oh wow…did I have a lot of catching up to do on your blog! I have enjoyed each and every one of your beautiful photos. It’s always a treat to visit here!
    Have a very Happy Thanksgiving, Heather!

  25. Lora

    oh my gosh… i’m drooling. everything is so completely beautiful. i especially love that stocking with the flowers.

  26. Chris Asbury

    Thanks for the special visit to Matilda’s Mouse. The hot pinks and bright greens are glorious holiday colors and provide tons of inspiration with vintage detail…as does your beautiful blog. Happy Holidays. Chris

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