Glorious Pumpkins


We are back from our weekend at the Remnants of the Past Show. The weather was spectacular, the customers were so fun & friendly and the selection of antiques were incredible. I was so busy that I wasn't able to take many photos but I did take some before the day began of the gorgeous engraved pumpkins on display. The little Nest acorn pumpkin above is one (of many) I brought home.


Aren't they adorable piled high on the antique cart? Carol Smithback of Old Willow Farm is the creative gardener who brought them. There were so many to choose from that it was impossible to pick just one. And on the side of the barn there were dozens of bay wreaths. Perfect to hang inside your kitchen during the cold, rainy months ahead.



For now, I'm grateful to be home. I need to take some time to nest and fluff for Autumn. Not to mention all the laundry, grocery shopping and cleaning that needs to take place. But I'm looking forward to it. I think I'll put on an apron, some cheerful music, light a couple candles and be a homemaker for a while. Sounds divine. Hope to have some photos of my progress soon. Wishing each of you a beautiful Autumn day! 

50 Responses to “Glorious Pumpkins”

  1. Jackie

    Really beautiful pumpkins – they’re my favorite autumn accessory!! The acorn in the nest is too sweet!! Wonderful pictures!

  2. sheila payne

    I am loving those pumkins in all their natural glory. I hope to day is full of joy as you do your domestic duties 😉

  3. Vicki Mackintosh

    The BEST part of attending Remnants of the Past was meeting Heather. She is just lovely and as charming as you can imagine. Her husband is, too. After I knocked over a display by accident,(I’m so glad my husband was reading a book in the car – he would have died!) he said everything he could to calm my awkwardness of the situation. And, I thank you both.
    Your friend,
    Vicki M.

  4. Karen B

    OH MY GOODNESS! So, simple, but so fabulous! I might have to figure out a cubicle in my SoCal yard to plant pumpkins. Oh well. I just posted about the pumpkins at Bates Nut Farm in Valley Center. Have you ever gone there? It’s quite the popular place and not too far away. Have fun “nesting”.
    Karen @ Elderberry Street

  5. Susan

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pumpkins!
    I am hosting a “Pumpkin Inspiration Party” on my blog on the 24th of October and I would like to extend the invitation to you and all of your readers.
    Check out all of the details at
    Are the pumpkins engraved while they are still growing?
    They’re fabulous! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  6. Heather Bullard

    Oh sweet Vicki, we had lots of fun chatting with you and getting a kick out of your emails. Thanks so much for coming to visit us at the show and for your warm hearted support. Smiles, H

  7. koralee

    So so amazingly lovely….I so want to grow white pumpkins and carve happy thoughts on them. Thank you for filling my time right now with heartwarming thoughts!

  8. jules white

    Heather, you and your husband were so wonderful! Your amazing style is still lingering in my mind….you have inspired me. I absolutely love, love, love the pieces I got from you, reminds me of the sweet day. Thank you for your sweetness, jules

  9. Carol Smithback

    Hi Heather,
    It was so fun to meet you at the show. Charlotte bought me one of your little galvanized birds which I love. Thanks for these amazing pictures of the pumpkins-your talent blesses us all!

  10. Julia

    Even though I don’t like orange very much, I must say that those pumpkins look very beautiful. Thank you for sharing those gorgeous pictures! Julia 🙂

  11. Patti's Artful Design

    It was a beautiful day at the “Remnants” Show! And, it was lovely to meet you, Heather. Enjoy your nesting!

  12. Roxanne Spradlin

    Woohoo! In typical ‘Heather’ fashion you continue to bring viewers the best! Thanks for taking beautiful photos and sharing the amazing engraved pumpkins. The are fascinating! Enjoy decorating and ‘sprucing-up’ the house! Don’t forget to bake some pumpkin bread…I’ve got a good recipe if you need it!
    Big hug from Texas!

  13. Teresa

    Hi Heather-
    It was a lovely event. and so fun to meet you. We are loving the treasures we took home from your booth.
    Have a wonderful day-

  14. Debbie

    It is so fun to visit these shows through the eye of your camera. Thanks for sharing this with us. Deb

  15. deb

    LOVE those pumpkins….especially the big white one with Thankful on it!!!!!

  16. Rosemary

    Great photos of the pumpkins Heather.
    I am enjoying the ones that I bought as well.
    They are so pretty!!
    Chat soon,
    PS, enjoy all that feathering of your nest!!

  17. Gladys Hanning

    Hi Heather! Beautiful Photos! Love this time of the year, its a great time to stay inside and make a pot of homemade soup. My daughter and I just held our first Mad Hatter Vintage Flea Market, and now we are making time for ourselves…a little simplicity to renew and nourish our body and soul.XO Glad & Celia/Junebug
    We have an award for yiu over at our blog too!:)
    You’ve inspired us!!

  18. Heather Bullard

    It was great to meet you Jules. Thanks for stopping by. You sure bought some beautiful pieces from all the vendors. Glad your boys had a fun day too!

  19. Heather Bullard

    Thanks Girls! Your Mad Hatter flea looks like it was a huge success. Love all the “Drink Me” and “Eat Me” tags on the food and beverages. So cute!

  20. erin

    what glorious autumnal images! love the cart full and those bay wreaths!! enjoy your time at home………

  21. Jackie

    I love those engraved pumpkins and the nest is adorable! My daughter always carves amazing pumpkins this time of year.

  22. Nancy

    Sounds like a fabulous time and I LOVE the pumpkins! They are just the cutest things ever. i wouldn’t have been able to control myself! Enjoy you merry homemaking. It’s just a delicious time of year to be inside, baking, singing to music and enjoying the warmth of being inside and the anticipation of the holidays.
    Smiles, Nancy

  23. Kimberly

    H! How are you my beautiful friend? I love this post. Gorgeous pictures. The pumpkins are divine. You know I am not the crafty person so could you tell me how the writing was done on the pumpkins? Maybe, just maybe, that is something I can do for my front porch decor. Love ya, Kimberly

  24. aimee

    glad you had a great time! im going out to buy pumpkins tomorrow and you have given me some great ideas :)have a great rest of the weekend.

  25. Chatelaine

    Lovely Autumn displays. Nesting at home sounds fantastic. Candles, music, what could be better.
    The weekend is time to regroup from the week.

  26. Jennifer Harrison

    What lovely pumpkins! I love your photography as well. I love this time of year… when the lowly pumpkin is crowned queen of the season. Enjoy!

  27. Stacy~Creativemuse

    Heather it sounds like you are living a great Dream. I’m glad you have been balancing all things. I enjoy hearing you renew your spirit! Especially when I/we can see you are working so hard. I adore these fantastic pumpkins and squash so darn wonderful. I have also always wanted a bay tree so I can make my own wreaths…ballard designs had little ones they hung on book cabinets by thier skeleton keys. Very pretty!
    Thank you for they wonderful storey and eye candy!

  28. caren

    Beautiful photos and beautiful pumpkins! I would love to have a bay leaf wreath – it would smell so good. I know what you mean about returning home and getting your “nest” together. We have been in Europe for three weeks – even though it was absolutely wonderful….there’s no place like home.

  29. Jeanne

    All of the photos that I have seen from the show look amazing!!! Enjoy catching up and getting your life in order!

  30. paige

    what glorious pumpkins indeed!!
    we don’t usually get blessed with such fabulous colors down south
    i love how the words are written too…just gorgeous!
    you always capture such amazing images heather.
    take care!

  31. Mitzi Curi

    Heather, thanks for introducing me to “engraved pumpkins”. I just love them! I’ll bet it is so satisfying for the gardener to tend to them.

  32. Ginny W

    I am in love with these pumpkins. Can you please direct me to a site or directions on how to engrave them? Thank you for the beautiful pictures that have inspired me.
    I would definitely buy them if I didn’t live all the way in Alabama!

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