Casino Butter


I thought I’d share one of my favorite compound butter recipes with you. It’s called Casino Butter and was originally a recipe I tore from a magazine probably a decade ago. I’ve since then modified it to make it my own. It’s very easy to make, freezes well and goes with practically everything.


The ingredients are fresh and simple. Parsley, green onions, garlic, red bell pepper, hot sauce, white wine, lemon juice, salt & pepper and of course, butter. (Recipe at the end of the post)


Chop up all the veggies into a small dice. Don’t worry if they’re perfect because next they’ll be going into the food processor along with the softened butter, white wine, hot sauce, s & p and lemon juice.


I do mine in two batches because I only have a mini food processor. But if you have the grown up version, by all means use it and save yourself some time.


I add them to a mixing bowl and blend them together with a spatula to make sure there is consistency with both batches. Next, I spoon half of the mixture onto waxed paper and form it into a log.



Twist together both ends and slip it into a plastic freezer bag. When you’re ready to use it just slice off what you need and put the rest back into the freezer. It will keep for several months.



For the remaining fresh batch, I spread it on open faced french bread, topped it with grated parmesan cheese and broiled it until golden. This butter is also really delicious on any grilled meat, hot pasta or grilled vegetables. And as a side note, I’ve made it with and without the white wine and it’s equally yummy and on occasion have used a small jalepeno pepper too. It’s pretty fool proof and will make you look like a gourmet in the kitchen! Bon Appetite!

Casino Butter

1 pound softened butter
3 tablespoons white wine
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1-2 teaspoons hot sauce
2 cloves of garlic
4 green onions (use 2 if they’re large)
1/3 cup red bell pepper
1/3 cup fresh Italian parsley
salt and pepper to taste

Chop vegetables into small dice add all ingredients to food processor and blend. Occasionally stop processing to scrape down sides. Cover and refrigerate or freeze remaining butter. Spread on french bread then bake or grill or use on grilled meat, vegetables or pasta.

23 Responses to “Casino Butter”


    Yum! I can’t wait to try it. However, I am going through a kitchen remodel and am limited to my small make-shift kitchen which amounts to a 5th burner plug in thingy and a microwave. Can’t wait to get back to a real stove and oven!

  2. Laura

    That looks delicious and just in time for the upcoming holidays! thanks for sharing this with us!
    Take care, Laura

  3. Anna R

    This looks so good – I may have to break down and buy a food processor just to try this recipe.

  4. Carla

    Oh my! I will most definitely by trying out this recipe. I’ve enjoyed your blog for several years now, and this is my first comment. Guess I get most excited about food posts! LOL
    Thanks so much for sharing.

  5. Jennifer Ingram

    This is a new fav for me – especially with quite a few vegan friends! Thanks – Jennifer

  6. Glenda/MidSouth

    I will be saving this recipe!! Sounds so good. Would love to have had some on a crusty bread tonight – thanks for sharing.
    Have a great weekend. Glenda

  7. Ulrike

    Thanks for the recipe. We are going to the neighbors tonight for a bbq, and I believe I’ll put this on french bread. Can’t wait to taste it!

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