My Trips to Powells (a.k.a. How I Drive My Husband Crazy)

Powells1 Wanna to hear a funny story? It’s a glimpse into my slightly neurotic personality. One of our hotels was located about 2 miles from the largest new and used bookstore in the world. The famous Powell”s Books which fills an entire city block. Needless to say there was no way I was going to miss this place. I mean come on…the largest in the world? So The Man and I strapped on our tennies and hit the pavement. When we arrived he said, “This place doesn’t look that big”.  Really?

Powells2   After we entered and noticed all the rooms (the Orange room, the Purple room, the Rose room) with a corresponding map he was beginning to get the picture. Because it was so overwhelming I said, “Where are the Interior Design and Cookbooks?” The Orange Room. And that’s where we stayed the entire time.

Now for the funny part which goes something like this:

See that beautiful book in the photo above with the title Rustic Fruit Desserts? When I saw it I knew instantly that I wanted to buy it for a special person who was making all the baked goods for one of my photo shoots. I knew she would love and appreciate it and the authors are from Portland, perfect. So I bought her one.

We go back to the hotel that night and I say to The Man…”Gee, I wish I bought one of those books for myself.”
The next day, back to Powells.

Got to my photo shoot and she loved the book. So did the homeowner. So I gave him mine.
Back at the hotel that night I say to The Man…”I really need to buy myself another book”.
The next day, back to Powells.

Later that evening as I’m thinking about bringing home gifts to my mom, I say to The Man…”I should have bought my Mom one of those books, she would really love it”.
The next day, back to Powells.


Powells3   Yep, that’s right. I’m probably the only woman on earth who would drag her poor hubby to the bookstore 4 times for the exact same book. In the end, this is the stack I came home with. I bought extras just to make sure I didn’t forget anyone else on my list.

Sometimes I’m surprised at how patient he is with my antics. But then again..right now my house smells like dead elk or deer or some sort of game animal being cooked in a cast iron pot. And then I think to myself….it all evens out in the long run.

44 Responses to “My Trips to Powells (a.k.a. How I Drive My Husband Crazy)”

  1. angela

    Ha!! you are not alone. Of course my hubby would have probably put his foot down abt. going with me after the 2nd or 3rd time. I love books and would have probably spent the entire day there, in fact, I may have to run and get that Rustic fruit desserts right now! Thanks for sharing.
    love, angela

  2. Cheryl

    Your “man” sounds a lot like mine…so very patient! I think mine must have stopped at about 20 antique stores during out recent trip to upstate NY in one day! Let me know when you are back in my area so that we can meet up for dinner again!

  3. LindaSonia

    Too funny!! Your hubby is definitely a sweetie!! LindaSonia

  4. Morning T

    Heather- I love Powells and the city of Portland. So jealous of all of your travels, the Pacific Northwest is just incredible. Very cute post!

  5. koralee

    I adore your story…and really what a lovely husband you have even if you have to put up with a little elk smell….I am sure it’s not a lovely smell to say the least! Powells is the BEST!

  6. Gwen

    LOL, that reminds me of our last trip to San Franciso. We hit the same art supply store EVERY day that we were there. I kept dragging him back for more:)

  7. Sammy Girl

    Oh, Heather!
    We LIVE here …. and STILL do exactly what you did! To prevent overload and repeat visits, sometimes I go online and ask that the books (maybe used or sale priced copies) are sent to the BEAVERTON store so I avoid the Orange Room …. I think people have vanished in there for whole weeks at a time!
    Also, I just bought the Easy Elegance book that I noticed in your stack. Love Atlanta’s books ….
    Take care and have a great labor day!
    Betty 🙂

  8. Emily

    Sooo funny! Glad I’m not the only one that drags my husband places over and over. Poor guy, but then again I put up with stuff too.

  9. Florence Muma

    I love Powells book store and I do the same thing, I will buy a book for some one and then wish I had bought my self one, so back I go. I too like to share with the world all those beautiful books. As for the deer and the elk we have it at our house too. Does your husband have Jim Zumbos Amazing Venison recipes book? It is good one for our great white hunters.

  10. Laura Lynn

    I just discovered your blog. It’s been fun to read, thanks. This post makes me homesick for Portland, though!
    In Feb, I wrote about tips for the flea market. My mom took me to antique shops, fleas and bottle digging all over the Portland/Vancouver,WA metro area when I was young. I love all things vintage and especially love the hunt!

  11. Karen

    This sounds way too much like my husband! Only, he’s the book freak. I’ve spent more hours in Powell’s than I can count, and don’t get me wrong, I love the books, but, gosh, enough is enough. Thanks to the internet, we don’t have to make the 60 mile trip so often, but I can say that dear old England had a big chunk of his paychecks a few years ago, due to his latest collection. I could have endured endless hours in England lol. After all those trips, I hope those books bring tons of enjoyment. I just saw Julie and Julia and I’m in the mood to bake myself! Karen

  12. Marianne@songbirdisnesting

    I was in that book store last year! And it didn’t occur to me to go to the home decoration section. I am amazed at my own stupidity! But in my defense I can say, I was there by plain and books are heavy! So I guess it is ok. Your books look fab. I spot a few that are still on my wishlist.

  13. Rose

    Could our husbands be related? My Mr wonderful is like that, we have left a store on the opposite side of town only for me to say…I sure wish I got that lil dish or book or what ever pretty thing caught my attention that I didn’t get and he will sigh and say…I can take you back tomorrow after work…after more than 20 years it makes me smile to know I am loved like that…and like you said, it does all even out in the end 🙂 all his construction tools and materials all over my yard and house prove that 🙂 Rose

  14. mary e

    we used to live in the Portland area. . . Powell’s is wonderful! Loved the story and kudos to your patient hubby.

  15. Lori Anderson

    When I saw that first photo — audible gasps. And then a happy sigh. I just love books. That’s what I think heaven is — a huge bookstore in the sky.

  16. parTea lady

    That looks like a fabulous book store – I could spend a couple of days there. Your hubby does sound like an easygoing guy.

  17. Hope Ellington

    The whole time I was reading this I was saying my husband would do this because he is ‘well fed’. I wasn’t thinking about food either….are we allowed to talk like this in blogland???? Then I died when I read about the ‘game’ cooking in the kitchen. That is the real reason he went back 4 times…same with my husband!!!

  18. aimee

    how understanding and sweet. i am going to have to check out that book. it has to be a great one if you went back 4 times lol!
    p.s. hope ellington you are a funny girl 🙂

  19. Rosemary

    Hi Heather,
    I would do the exact same thing, and my husband would be a good sport too!!
    Great trip!!

  20. Kristy

    Loved this story, sounds like something I would do. I definitely will make a note to hit that store sometime in my lifetime!

  21. Chrissy

    I am with you,could spent days in a bookstore!!! All the best,Chrissy

  22. Caren

    Great story! You are lucky they had that many copies of the book. Looks like a wonderful cookbook.

  23. The White Bench

    Gosh, Heather! I wish I could hop on a plane!! That place looks G*O*R*G*E*O*U*S! I think I’d need to bring along an empty suitcase;))
    Have fun with your books!

  24. Lisa Clear

    Awesome book store, great finds, and I do the same thing, you have me thinking I might run to our used book store today..sounds like a plan. 🙂

  25. The Flying Bee

    Hi Heather,
    I just came back from Portland and Seattle. I wish I would have been able to see Powell’s we just didn’t have the time, but I did get to make it to Mother’s Bistro and Monticello’s. It made my day! I just posted about it, if you want to check it out.
    Isn’t it great to have a husband that will stick with us even when we probably drive them crazy! 🙂

  26. natalie

    I LOVE my book! I have made a couple of the recipes and have many more that i can’t wait to try. Thank you so much. I had a blast when you were here! Hope to see you soon.

  27. Kim

    I’ve long heard of Powells & it’s on my “must see” list when I make it to the Pacific Northwest. Your post has cemented that! I now know to head straight to the orange room 🙂

  28. Laurie

    Hi Heather! Of course you had to go to Powell’s it would have been a tragedy to miss it! Your husband is definitely a patient and very kind man :0)… The books look great and I hope you actually keep one for yourself!
    The photo shoot was so much fun and remember you have instant friends here if you should ever find yourself dreaming of the great NW as a permanent home!!!

  29. Lylah Ledner

    You go girl! Isn’t it wonderful to be married to a man who lets a ‘date” be about what we like? Just today, Michael “dated” me – it looked like – picking up a large copper pan from a flea market shopper/reseller – then on to some vintagy shops in the valley – then my favorite lunch place – then the nursery to pick up some seeds.
    I know Powells – great place to linger and linger and revisit 4 times. Used to live in Portland.
    Have a wonderful weekend! Lylah

  30. amber

    That is so funny. Sounds like a nice husband and you’re right…it does all even out in the end.

  31. Denise West

    great post! It really is the stuff we don’t snag that we regret not getting. Good for you getting more books esp. with Autumn and Winter coming those extras will be gone.

  32. Kerri

    We were in Portland last March with our 25 year old daughter. She was so excited to go to Powell’s, I think we went there three times in 2 days.

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