The Best Banana Bread


Here’s my absolute favorite recipe for Banana Bread. I’ve been baking it for over 10 years now, possibly more than 15 but who’s counting. It’s delicious, with a crisp exterior and moist banana interior. I promise you will love it.

There are only two things you must do when baking it. The first is, you have to use 3 bananas. I know, you have only 2 on hand but trust me, it will not taste the same. I’ve tried and failed. So I spare you the tragedy. The second is, it tastes better when made with margarine. I’m surprised myself and have made it with butter but for some reason it doesn’t come out as yummy. Kind of strange saying something made with a product which is basically one polymer away from plastic tastes better is surprising but none the less, I use it for this recipe. With all this being said here goes:

The Best Banana Bread

1/2 c. margarine
1 1/2 c. sugar
2 eggs
2 c. flour
4 Tbs. milk
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. baking powder
pinch of salt
3 ripe mashed bananas
1/2 c. chopped walnuts

Mix wet ingredients together then combine with the dry. Fold in bananas and walnuts. Pour into a greased and floured loaf pan. Bake at 350 for approximately 1 hour.

I test mine at about 50-55 minutes just to see where it’s at. But in my experience it does need the hour to bake. I hope you give this recipe a try. The Man loves it, of course anything with nuts is a big hit with him.

35 Responses to “The Best Banana Bread”

  1. ann

    Another wonderful post…thank you Heather! Can’t wait for the website to be up again!

  2. LuLu

    YUMMY… looks just delicious!! Perfect with a cup of tea or coffee. I have to give this a go.

  3. deb hodge

    I know a secret….. I’ll share it with you.
    Sustitute Buttermilk for the regular milk….. A very kind elderly woman in Little Italy told me that, and the bread turns out TO DIE FOR good!
    XOXO Deb

  4. Glenda

    As far as the tray, we are constantly evolving, so we find ourselves always thinking about new things.
    The bread looks yumalisous.

  5. Ramona Owen

    Thank you for sharing…and thank you for how delicious my home will smell!
    It’s almost spring!!!
    Smiles ~ Ramona

  6. Jena-Not So Shabby

    OK, you are tempting me to get in the kitchen because I love banana nut bread. I bought a banana nut bread candle today to burn just to smell it but now…..OK, I will have to try this yummy recipe!

  7. Suzanne Duda

    I read this post this morning and I was going to write and give you grief about the “getting over pink” comment, but I let it slide because I just basically LOVE everything about you:). Now I am writing because my copy of the new Somerset Life arrived today, with your amazing article inside, and your PHOTO on the FRONT COVER. Congratulations my talented friend…beautiful work as always!

  8. chris

    mmmmmmmmm! I’ll try it next week when I’m off my south beach diet! I love a good banana bread & love the way the house smells while baking it! thanks for sharing! 🙂 chris

  9. Kimberly

    You silly lady! What the heck get over it already! I love seeing your personality in your blog. 🙂 You bring sunshine to my very gray and rainy mixed with snow days. Blessings, Kimberly

  10. Julie Marie Vicknair

    Heather, what a great recipe, thanks for sharing! Hope your knee has healed now and life is good! Julie

  11. caren

    I think I’m going to have to make some…..shouldn’t eat it, but I am sure I will! Thanks for sharing. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  12. Debbykay

    Yum!! I want to run out and buy some bananas to make a batch! Thanks for sharing!

  13. teresa

    We love banana bread in our home- definitely going to give your recipe a try-
    Thanks for sharing.

  14. Janet Doherty

    I will give it a try because since my grandmother has passed away….no one makes banana bread the way she does. Nothing like a moist inside!!!! Yummy…someone else posted banana cream pie…banana’s on the brain today 🙂
    Happy Tuesday..St. Paddy’s day too

  15. Priscila

    I love banana bread! I just have a question and it might be stupid…sorry. How do you clean items like these that you get at flea markets well enough to use in the kitchen?

  16. lorraine lewis

    I just so happen to have some bananas.
    Guess what I am going to do today.
    Thanks for sharing.
    I have FANTASTIC cookie recipe posted on my blog. Stop by if you have a chance.

  17. jeanne

    Banana and zucchini bread is my absolute favorite….add chocolate chips in them and I am in HEAVEN!!!!! I will try your recipe this weekend.

  18. andrea singarella

    Nothing is the matter with you, Heather! You obsess over pretty details…and that’s a good thing {at least in my opinion!!}

  19. Stephenie

    I JUST LOVE BANANA BREAD!!!! It looks so yummy. I’m always looking for new recipes.

  20. Cheryl B.

    when using bananas to bake, you get the yumyiest results if you wait till your bananas are considerably black (on the skins) and gushy (on the inside). Might sound gross – but when the bananas reach that condition – they make the BEST baked goods!!

  21. Susan

    LOL I do the same thing…go back and forth sometimes over if I should do a particular thing or not. I have found if I’m wavering…don’t do it! Wait a bit…usually, I’m glad I did. 🙂 The bread sounds yummy…thanks for recipe! Susan

  22. tabitha

    This banana bread is dee-lish! I even shared with a couple friends and they all agree that this is a better bread than ever we had before, so thank you for sharing!

  23. Joy Bayer

    A friend made this and brought it for lunch this week. It is indeed the very best banana bread ever!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  24. PamperingBeki

    Oh mercy, I looove banana bread! I usually add chocolate chips to it, because really chocolate makes everything better right?

  25. Anita

    Since I have discovered your amazing blog I have made this banana bread several times. I could easily find all ingredients here in the Netherlands. It is in a post of my blog I published today – with photos. Thanks for sharing this wonderful (and easy!) recipe.

  26. susan in maine

    Hey girl,
    My banana bread always is a hit and my secret? The ugliest, blackest bananas! My mom would come to visit and ask if she should throw my old bananas away and I would tell her, heck no! I use the recipe in Fannie Farmer and that does require 3 bananas, which is the exact number you need.

  27. Dee Brownfield

    I made a mistake!!! Saw this recipe on Penny’s site. Couldn’t wait to get the bananas .. make it and have a cup of tea!!! It is gone!! My Sweet One gobbled it up like there was no tomorrow!! This means many more of this delicious bread!! and right on … not another recipe as good!! Thank you so much!

  28. Dee Brownfield

    Here it is, a little dreary out, a little cool but made this banana bread and am having a special cup of tea with it! oh, so yummy, is right! I can’t imagine it being any better w/buttermilk, but will give it a try!
    Happy Day and
    Pink Hugs,
    Dee at deeslittlepinkie

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