Thrifty Valentine Gifts

Vg1   With most of the country watching their wallets right now I thought it would be a good time to share a few Valentine Gift Ideas that are very budget friendly. One of my favorite things to do is repackage! Take a simple bag of Valentine chocolates, fill a small mason jar and top with scrap piece of velvet ribbon and an old millinery flower. The jars are from Target and come in a pack of 4 for under $5.

Vg2   Even simple heart shaped Peeps look more scrumptious in a cellophane bag. Line the bottom of the bag with a pretty doily, tie with a pink ribbon and you have a gift fit for a little princess.

Vg3   Petite vintage vessels are an absolutely charming way to repackage sweet treats. When I'm flea marketing I try to keep an eye out for demitasse cups, cordials, toothpick holders, creamers & sugars and miniature trophy cups. Often times they just need a beautiful ribbon and some cellophane to make them look delicious. And guess what? Those pink candies are Strawberry Milkshake Whoppers!

Vg4   When giving a small gift such as an antique religious pin, why not showcase it in a glitter frame and embroidered heart? It makes such a beautiful presentation for very little money. An old heart shaped candy box can be repurposed to hold a gift of fresh baked cookies. Spruce it up a bit with a new bow and a few vintage flowers.

Vg5   A set of vintage tag sale napkins make a perfect Valentine gift with their heart shaped leaves. A mother of pearl serving spoon and a simple tag complete this inexpensive gift.

Vg6   One year my Mom gave me this set of adorable bird topped stir sticks. Who says we have to give candy? The delicate thrifted hanky makes a wonderful bow and adds a romantic feel to the gift.

I hope you've been inspired to repackage, repurpose and reuse for your Valentine gift giving this year. The charming princess crown label and petite bird label are available here. They come in a set of 100 plus labels in a reuseable tin. Now I'll just have to think of more ideas for those tins. 

72 Responses to “Thrifty Valentine Gifts”

  1. Joy at Cupids Charm

    Hi Heather! Oh how I wish I were on your gift giving list!!! What wonderful treasures and what wonderful ways to present a simple, but oh-so-sweet and sentimental gift. I’d be happy to receive the peeps, or strawberry malt balls or even the tiny charm. Your blog always provides the best inspiration!!! Thanks for the great ideas and glad to hear that you are on the mend from your recent boo-boo. Have a beautiful weekend ~ xoxo ~ Joy

  2. Linda/ "Mom..." in Arizona

    *Hi, Heather~ It’s so enjoyable to BE here & see what LOVELIES you’ve created once again ~~~ (My mind is busy “spinning off” from your FAB, creative ideas!)~~~ I DO hope healing is going qickly, but you really DO have to take it easy for a while (I know~ I’ve “been there…” yada yada!)~~~ Sincere blessings, Linda

  3. Linda/ "Mom..." in Arizona

    P.S. I LOVVVE all the soft pinks you showed~~~ soooo pretty n’ soft n’ just a delight to the eyes!

  4. Diana Meade

    Ok, I didn’t know that strawberry malt balls existed! How great is that?! I can’t wait to buy some for my Valentines. Thanks for the tips and for sharing them. Glad you are up and around from your surgery. Diana @ IdaClare

  5. sharron

    Chocolate and vintage presentation!!! It does not get any better than that.
    You are so creative!
    I am glad that your recovery is going so well too.
    Happy Saturday!

  6. Susan Elliott

    This is just a WONDERFUL post — gotta go find those strawberry milkshake whoppers! Who knew? Thanks for the beautiful inspiration…

  7. Terri Steffes

    Beautiful, and timely! ideas. I will be incorporating a few of these into my own gift giving. I see I need to go to more tag sales!

  8. teresa

    Love you ideas- I just found your blog and love it- I actually use your Valentines wooden heart idea- just changed it a little to work with what I had- but how fun. I’ve added you to my blog roll hope that’s okay-
    Thanks for the amazing ideas- It’s a Happy Day!

  9. LuLu

    What an inspiring post for me to read this morning… I wouldn’t want to eat the candy it is too cute packaged in vintage! I would just want to look at!!! Great ideas! LOVE IT!!!!

  10. Lori

    What wonderful ideas, Heather! These are all lovely, and anyone would be thrilled to receive them! Thank you for sharing ideas with us that don’t cost a lot! Have a great weekend, and I hope you’re getting along well with your knee! ~Lori

  11. christine glynn

    Such great ideas heather! I see you are getting around well with your knee with all these projects! LOL! everyone is prettier thatn the next~:) chris

  12. Lovely

    Presentation is everything, isn’t it? Although, you could gift chocolate stuffed haphazardly in a plain paper bag and I’d love you til the end of time 🙂

  13. Violet @Create Beauty

    Pink Whoppers?!?!?!? Fabulous! I was at a friends house, she pointed out the sparkly pink decorative balls she had in a glass container next to some other Valentine decor… turns out they were cat toys! Funny! Your ideas and how you present them and the photography is always oh so lovely. You always bring beauty into my life when I come here!!! Thank you – Violet

  14. diXymiss

    Beautiful presentation and eXcellent, thoughtful, affordable gift ideas. ThanX for the inspiration!

  15. Tamara

    These are just gorgeous gifts! How on earth you come up with these great ideas is beyond me 🙂 Bravo!

  16. Lynda

    These are fabulous ideas, Heather! I like having little gifts for friends & family on special days and some of these would be perfect.
    Hope your knee is healing quickly!

  17. Elaine L.

    You always have the most wonderful ideas!
    I always look forward to your posts.

  18. Diane (Four Paws & Co)

    Hi Heather! Oh be still my heart! You have the most beautiful & amazing ideas & I love everyone of them! Thanks for the eye candy & the inspiration! ♥ Diane

  19. Diane (Four Paws & Co)

    Hi Heather! Oh be still my heart! You have the most beautiful & amazing ideas & I love everyone of them! Thanks for the eye candy & the inspiration! ♥ Diane

  20. Eileen Terwilliger

    Such GREAT ideas. I am completely hooked on Peeps and bought several packages of these exact ones today to send in a package to my swap partner today.
    Blessings ~ Eileen

  21. Kimberly

    Heather you have always loved Valentine’s Day and it shows in your awesome displays. In over 17 years you NEVER cease to amaze me. Blessings to you my awesome decorating friend!. Oh by the way, I thought the strawberry Whoppers were eggs. I am clearly not a decorator! 🙂 Kimberly

  22. Jane

    Great tips & ideas (strawberry whoppers!!!)
    Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  23. Pamela Zwieg

    Hi Heather,
    Simply fabulous! You are just full of amazing and creative ideas. Love your blog. I’m off to find those strawberry whoppers-yum! Pam Z-Barrington, Illinois

  24. Alauar Parrish

    Hello Heather; You sure do have some wonderful ideas for redoing Valentine gifts. Love them all, thanks for sharing them with us, they sure help me out..

  25. Indie

    These are great ideas and beautiful. Thanks for sharing! I love the flea market teacups with whoppers in them, very elegant looking!

  26. kim downey

    I must say for a girl like me that’s not all the ‘girlie’ those are some very pretty gifts…and lovely photos. Almost makes me want to put on a dress, with my muck boots of course, lol!
    First time here and the whole site is just beautiful! Kim

  27. stephanie

    Beautiful treasures Heather, I especially love the silver cup and your little demitasse. What wonderful gifts they are, beautiful and creative!!

  28. Kana

    Great ideas for Valentine goodies. You always make everything look great!

  29. Penny-Elizabeth Neil

    What beautiful and simple ideas, you’ve inspired me! (Even though V Day really isn’t acknowledged here in Australia as it seems to be in the US.)
    The religious medal frame in particular really takes my breath away- a perfect combination of simple, glittery, shabbiness. I love the faded fabric.

  30. paige

    these are wonderful heather.
    i especially love how you created the first jar of sweeties…oh & the celephane bag makes those peeps look just darling!

  31. Jody Bradshaw

    Heather, you have lovely ideas and you continue to inspire me with your cleverness using simple things. Plus, you make everything look so fabulous, the pics alone are delightful to look at.
    Hope your knee is healing well and that you are not over doing it.Take care, there is only one of you.

  32. Connie at Constantly Vintage

    Heather, Love all your valentine treat ideas! The jar of heart candy with the vintage ribbon and flower would work great for my girls’ teachers! Thanks for Sharing!

  33. Sherri

    What wonderful ideas! I buy the Marshmallow Hearts/Peeps every Holiday for the kids, and am now inspired to make them something inexpensive (but really cute) out of them this year. Thank you for such inspirational ideas! Hope your healing quickly, xo

  34. Shawn/Lifeatbuttercupfarm

    Heather, I love how inspired everyone feels to create something special for the ones they love this time of year. Your ideas and photography are wonderful! Enjoy your week. Shawn

  35. Debra Hall

    Heather~you are truly amazing and inspiring, to keep coming up with these “Simply” beautiful ideas and then taking the time to share them with us…thank you!
    Debra (((~.~)))

  36. Cathy Scalise

    As always, everything looks wonderful. Those pretty jars of chocolate hearts with a simple bow and vintage flower. How perfect. I would love for someone to give me such a lovely present as this for Valentine’s Day.
    It’s all just perfect. Thanks for sharing some great ideas.

  37. Linda/ "Mom..." in Arizona

    Oh Heather, just beauuuutiful~~~ ALL the pretty, soft pinks remind me of when we got married & EVERYTHING was PINK~~~ I was probably as insistent as Julia Roberts in Steel Magnolias about the RIGHT shade of pink, too! Of course, that was back in the late 1800’s~~~ Grins! Many thanks, Linda

  38. Suze

    your ideas are always so fresh.
    your pictures are always beautiful.
    you blog always makes me want to go create…anything!.
    thank you.

  39. thewillowrose

    Your post is very inspiring to me. You have the best ideas.

  40. Sheila at Halo Hill

    Absolutely elegant, gorgeous and perfect. Who wouldn’t love to receive a gift like one of these? I would very proud to GIVE one too! Thank you for the wonderful tips, and the fabulous pics.

  41. caren

    Your blogs are always so beautiful and informative! I look forward to reading your blog everyday!

  42. Kimberly

    Heather, YOU are so very inspiring with these amazing ideas. I especially loved the little heart embroidery for the pin!!

  43. Anita

    Very inspiring and a good reminder that it is the little things that are so meaningful…In our society that is in such dismal shape economically today, maybe if everyone remember the small treasures instead of charging splashy gestures, we would be better off. And our souls would be happy and full of beauty… So thanks for the reminder and the inspiration…and as always, the FAB photos.

  44. Ellen

    Heather, Oh Where Oh Where did your mom find these sweet bird stirs?!!! I have been looking and searching for them everywhere but cannot find them.
    hugs, Ellen
    p.s. I love your blog. I get such inspiration from you. Plus, I am now a California girl!

  45. valentines flowers

    Very cool suggestions! Surprising someone with a bouquet of flowers never fails too!

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