Vintage Holiday Wrapping Ideas – Part Three

Wi15_edited-1   Well our fun continues with Part Three! Today I'll be sharing a few of my favorite ways to add trinkets, toppers, embellishments and trimmings. This sweet little bisque doll is nestled in a vintage hankie and to make her appear more festive I added a snipet of gold trim angel wings. Using a variety of ribbon is a great way to add dimension to a gift.

Wi17   A miniature portrait or painting makes a wonderful topper and I think this Godey's Fashions 1852 would be perfect on a sweater box or any haute couture present. Especially one to your fashion loving friend!

Wi16   Shoe buckles can be paired with a beautiful satin ribbon and the gold scarf clip is a quick way to add sparkle to a package. No bow required, just slip it through and trim the ends.

Wi18   Vintage Christmas pins and brooches are available just about anywhere you look and they add so much color and personality with their glittery rhinestones. The colors certainly don't need to be traditional red and green to look festive.

Wi19   For the men in your life, keep an eye out for antique military souvenirs and medals. These were just strung through a length of twill ribbon and kept simple and regal.

Wi20   Another one of my favorite things to use are vintage brass tags such as the key tag above and wonderful old brass stencils with the initial of the recipient.

Wi21  This package was wrapped in gold tissue paper and then swaddled in a blanket of tulle. Ebay is a great place to look for the unique vintage tags and brass stencils. I think these are very cute, and these and these too.  You can also find an abundance of fantastic Christmas trimmings on Etsy. Of course, the best place to look is inside your Aunt's garage or your Mom's basement!

Alrighty folks that's all for today. And if you can believe it I still have enough for one more post. Only if you're not completely sick of gift wrapping! If you're up for it, we'll move onto boxes, containers and gift bags….oh, my. 

30 Responses to “Vintage Holiday Wrapping Ideas – Part Three”

  1. Bethany Montella

    I love all of these!! I have that same B stencil, too! Lovely ideas…I will be very inspired to try out my own variations after seeing your lovely ideas 🙂

  2. Debi

    Hi Heather!
    Great posts…wish I had the time to wrap like this. 🙂 Hummm…maybe I can squeeze in a few moments? xo…deb

  3. Elaine L.

    If I received one of your packages, I wouldn’t want to open it. The package is a gift in and of its self.

  4. Tami B.

    Stunning! So enjoying your posts. You totally need to write a book. Any publishers out there…take note.

  5. Becky

    I just love all of your wrapping ideas. Thanks for sharing them with us. Looking forward to the next installment.

  6. April

    I am loving all your gift wrapping ideas! so inspirational-I can’t wait to try a few!

  7. April

    Thanks for sharing such beautiful & inspiring ideas! I can’t wait to see what’s next!

  8. ArtsyMama

    Hi Heather,
    So fun to see the little tassels you bought in my etsy shop used in such fun ways.
    Thanks for the lovely inspiration.
    Happy Holiday’s!!

  9. Couture Allure

    That kewpie doll in the hankie is just adorable. I’m off to my favorite thrift today, and will keep your ideas in mind while perusing the shelves.

  10. Peggy

    Todays are my favorite! Ecspecially the doll and the hankie.
    I collect vintage linens and often use them when I wrap special presents only I have never used them on the outside of the package. I give special ornaments every year and use vintage hankies instead of tissue paper. I love choosing the perfect ornament and the perfect hankie for that person.
    Thanks for allthe great ideas.

  11. Yard Sale Mama

    Oh man, everything you’ve shared has been soooo wonderful, I can’t believe there’s more! No, I take that back; I completely believe it because you are so talented! I don’t even know what gifts I’m giving but I know I want to use all of your ideas- they are just wonderful!
    Happy Holidays!

  12. robin

    OMG! am so enjoying your wrapping posts! Beautiful! and the little bisque doll is just too precious!!

  13. Zita- Mlle Magpie

    Well, the bisque doll in the vintage hankie takes the cake! How adorable. I can’t believe you have even MORE ideas after these three posts?!!!

  14. paige

    oh — please do continue sharing….you know your faithful blogstalkers are always up for more, wink@

  15. Jean Eakin

    Heather, The only problem I can see with your beautiful and unusual gift wrapping is….that they look too good to open. What beautiful gifts. Thanks for opening my eyes to new ideas.
    Jean in Virginia

  16. jackieb

    Heather: I was so inspired by your wrappings at the Parisian Soiree (lucky me, got to see them in person) and now your blog that I’m having a vintage wrapping party!
    One of the things you mention at the Soiree was dying tags in the washing machine….could you maybe write a post about that????? or email me…I want to do it right. :}
    Happy Holidays!

  17. Violet Skiles

    These ideas are so fun and beautiful! Thank you for taking the time to post all of these, it is like looking a a beautiful magazine each time I visit!

  18. Kimberly

    I’m telling ya, I could look all day! They are gorgeous and so much fun. Blessings my friend, Kimberly

  19. Cheryl

    You, my dear, are AMAZING!!! These gift packages are a gift in themselves……I will be back to view more eye candy packages and will definately steal some ideas. Thank you for sharing. Not sure how you can part with all the trinkets…..Just lovely! Stop by if you get a chance. ~Cheryl

  20. Jacqueline

    Ms. Heather,
    I just love the little doll, she’s so sweet!
    Thank you for the great ideas.

  21. wendy

    Thank you for the great ideas. I’ve been looking for pretty Christmas wrap this year and haven’t really seen any. Now I know that I don’t need them!

  22. tricia samsal

    Love that Christmas pin! I don’t think I could give it away. Way too beautiful. Lovely ideas. Thank you.
    Vintage Bliss

  23. Rhoda

    Heather, your giftwrapping ideas are truly amazing! I just don’t think I have the patience to put that much time into wrapping gifts, but you sure make it look like fun. And they are works of art!

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