Embroidery Art

Emb1 There were quite a few movies in the stockings this year and with that comes a lot of idle time. I usually have a hard time sitting through one without getting up to clean the kitchen, do a load of laundry or sort through the mail. But this time I decided to put the extra hours to use making myself some new artwork for my office.

Emb2 I bunkered down with the family and a scrap of old linen, my needles, a treasure trove of broken bits of jewelry, watch faces, buttons and trims and got to work. It was one of those projects that sort of evolved over time. No set plan except for the regal shield border I stitched to restrain myself. And as they say, more is more.

Emb3 And over the course of a few evenings I added, and added and then added some more until there was no more room left to embellish. It was so enjoyable that I was sorry to see it finished and secretly wished I had created a larger canvas to work within. For now I'm going to stretch it on a deep 8×8 frame to keep it simple and the focus on the artwork. And I've been busy planning a large one to turn into a pillow for our bed. That should take some time and hopefully I'll be more ready to see it completed.

So if you're snowed in and feel like watching half a dozen movies or so I hope this inspires you to pick up some busy work and see where it takes you. Or if you're more inclined to clean your kitchen, I'm sure no one will stop you. At least they never have in my house!

91 Responses to “Embroidery Art”

  1. sherry goodloe

    Love your Shield you created Heather. I’m not one to be able to sit and watch a movie/television without something else to do either.
    I was just thinking about an hour or so ago, that I would pull out one of my vintage suitcases that houses fabric, and stitch up some wristlets while I watch The Queen (which by the way I have never seen before!)
    But first I need to fold and put up that last load of laundry I just did *smiles*
    Happy Holidays!

  2. Rebecca G.

    Just stunning, Heather. I love the shield. You did such a great job on it. Thanks so much for sharing, and for the inspiration…

  3. Peggy

    This is just gorgeous, Heather. Thanks for sharing it. The crown is ingenious! You have such talent, girl.

  4. debe

    Wow, you are one talented lady but I knew that! Thanks for sharing that beautiful work of art.

  5. Beth Evans-Ramos

    You have created a gorgeous heirloom. Plus it could be your family crest!

  6. Beth

    It turned out exquisitely gorgeous! You created a true masterpiece while most of us simply relaxed and enjoyed the movies;) Well, maybe we held a hands a bit:)
    Truly Heavenly Father blessed you with a wonderful talent.

  7. sandra blanks

    What an incredibly beautiful work of art!!! I, too, have “busy” hands….drives my husband crazy!

  8. Pam

    Do you ever make anything that turns out ugly!!!!I love it. Dishes and laundry can wait!

  9. Cassondra W.

    So beautiful! I have a muslin folding heart that I have always wanted to decorate the front of. What a great idea, your work is always amazing, thanks for the inspiration!

  10. Elaine

    Gorgeous crest. Love all the embellishments. I can’t believe you could watch a movie while creating something so beautiful and perfect. You are talented!

  11. Jeanne

    It is so lovely! I also like to do something while I watch a movie. My grandmother used to make the most beautiful cross stitch…she never sat still. Thanks for sharing and once again inspiring.

  12. Betty @ She's Sew Pretty

    I just had to leave a comment. I saw this on Flickr and it is beautiful! I haven’t embroidered in years but I have so many bits and piece of lace that you’ve inspired me!

  13. Joy Bayer

    Your project turned out beautiful, I love to stitch by hand, lately I have been on the laptop while sitting, but this looks a lot more productive!
    Thanks for sharing!

  14. Tracy

    what a spectacular piece. so inspiring!
    happy new year-

  15. TERRY


  16. Monica Charbeneau

    Wow I love this. I have to pull out my stuff organize and get creative and this is the perfect inspiration.

  17. Alisa

    I am so into embroidery right now, myself. Thank you for more inspiration!

  18. buppy

    again Heather, an inspiration for all of us. Thanks for the beautiful photos, now has me inspired. Happy new year!

  19. Heather

    I just LOVE this! What a great way to feature all of those fabulous baubles. I have a small stash of things I’ve deemed “too pretty” to use … but this just might be the perfect solution!

  20. Yard Sale Mama

    That is just beautiful, Heather! I think hearts were in my eyes at the first look (think cartoons, lol) Wow, it’s inspiring- way to go YOU!

  21. Kimberly

    Gorgeous H and how did you know I was snowed in?! Unfortunately I am spending all of my time shoveling. You have inspired me to take a break. Blessings, Kimberly

  22. Debbie Crabtree

    This is probably one of the few things that have made me feel inspired in several weeks. You should consider sharing the pattern with those of us who would love to have your pattern. Maybe in your shop? Add me to your list of fans. Deb

  23. beth

    ohhh my goodness this is soo wonderful !!!
    hope you have a wonderful new year !!!

  24. Lisa Johnson

    Heather, this is awesome! Love it so much. I want to wish you and your family a wonderful New Year! I’ll most likely be heading down your way within the next couple months. Maybe we can bump into each other at a flea market again.

  25. ArtsyMama

    This is fabulous, Heather. Gorgeous work, as always. So unique and special. Thanks for the inspiration.
    Happy New Year!!!

  26. Joanna Lewis

    Simply beautiful! I totally love it & wish you’d make me one for my house. I’ll send you some movies in exchange. LOL
    Happy New Year.
    xoxo, Joanna

  27. Joanna Lewis

    Simply beautiful! I totally love it & wish you’d make me one for my house. I’ll send you some movies in exchange. LOL
    Happy New Year.
    xoxo, Joanna

  28. Donna

    Just gorgeous, Heather! I can’t wait to see what you come up with in the New Year! Have a Happy 2009!

  29. Gabrielle

    I love it Heather~~completely you and will so perfect in your work room…can’t wait to see the pillow.

  30. beachy

    OH MY GOODNESS! That is absolutely stunning! I came here by way of Monica (TheWhiteBench) and I am so glad I did! I will be back in the New Year for more of your gorgeous blog! =)
    Have a joyous and peaceful 2009! =)

  31. Cari Kraft

    I love this, sooooooo much! A new twist on those bejewled Christmas trees from the 70’s. I like this much better! Inspiring!

  32. jamie

    Your Talent is such an Inspiration, this piece is Amazing! Can’t wait to see everything to come in 2009! Wishing you and your wonderful family a Healthy and very Happy New Year. Im blessed to call you a friend, Jamie

  33. Elaine L.

    I LOVE what you’ve done! As a matter of fact, I’m using your piece as my inspiration for a bedroom redo. I’d love my bedroom to have those colors and elements.

  34. Joy Jones

    Hi Heather! Your needlework is GORGEOUS, as is everything else you do. Your blog is one of my very favorites to stop by and visit. Always inspiring! Happy holidays and best wishes for a blessed New Year! ~ xo Joy

  35. carla

    Wow, Heather, your embellished stitchery is just gorgeous. Very inspiring.

  36. Kathy

    Wow! What a masterpiece…I love everything you did….I’ll have to attempt one in ’09….just lovely.

  37. Jolee Jane

    So amazing, what a clever idea and beautiful design;)
    Happy New Year my Sweets

  38. Delighted Heart

    Heather I love it! I have lots of little goodies from my mom’s estate that I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with them. WOW! You’ve given me great inspiration! I hope you don’t mind me attempting something similar. Thanks for sharing your beautiful artwork! Blessings!

  39. Angela Harris

    Of course this peice is absolutely stunning. I’ve had a stretch of movie time too. Good for you that you uually get something done during the movie. I’ve been collecting my favorite colors of floss for a while now but these photos will definately get me going. Thank you!
    Angela Harris

  40. Jenny M.

    Just beautiful…time to get out my needle and stitch- you just inspired me!!! Best wishes for a happy and healthy new year!! And happy belated birthday- hope it was a GREAT day!!!!

  41. Amber

    What a beautiful idea! I love that you took little bits of sparkle and history and created a little work of art. Your pillows will be a wonderful way to use your next pieces of embroidery art.

  42. That Girl Ang

    Oh Heather.. that is amazing! It reminds me that long ago I purchased a little Anna Griffin embroidery starter set… I think I just make take you up on your inspiration.. and create something I hope is as beautiful.

  43. Theresa

    Hello Heather, this actually is the first comment I finally make on your beautiful blog, I’ve followed for quite a while now. I just had to smile reading your post, because I exactly know the urge of doing something while watching TV. I always embroidered watching movies. My family already laughed at me :-).
    This emblem you’ve done is great and absolutely beautiful! I would love to do one like this one day!
    Have a very nice rest of Sunday!

  44. Hedy King

    Beautiful, I’m borrowing your idea for a cross for my sister. OK? Your work and creativity are amazing, I always enjoy your site. Thank you.

  45. Jeanne

    Heather, this embroidery piece is beautiful. What a great idea! Also, I enjoyed looking at the photos from your kitchen renovation. It’s so very lovely.

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