On Location

Xob6 Today I was on location shooting photos for my friends company brochures and website images. They own a business called Orange Blossom Tea House and their specialty is Tea Grams. Together they have put so much into the planning, trademarking and product ordering and now it was time to put their vision together with photos.


Xob5 They will deliver a beautiful tea service right to your home or office complete with delicious scones and accoutrements. And they bring this gorgeous tea cart to serve you! Wouldn’t this be the most incredible treat for a new mommy? Not to mention other loved ones and special occasions such as anniversaries and birthdays.


Xob8 Here are my dear friends (from left, TJ, Janie and Chrissy) who have put their heart and soul into this charming business. They have future plans to open an online shop that will deliver boxed Tea Grams all across the country!

Xob4 They offer a variety of teas to choose from, as well as a gorgeous assortment of china. Each Tea Gram recipient will get to keep their cup & saucer as a special memory.


Xob7 You can contact the Orange Blossom Tea House at 951-212-0064 for more information. If you prefer to email, they can be reached at orangeblossomtea@sbcglobal.net.

For those of you who are planning to attend our Parisian Holiday Soiree, the ladies will be bringing each of you a special surprise to take home. And they have graciously offered one of their Tea Grams as a Door Prize. What a lucky winner that will be! If you haven’t signed up, there are still a few more seats available. What fun we are going to have!

46 Responses to “On Location”

  1. Sue

    What a fantastic idea, and thriving business no doubt! Do they come to Australia?? How sweet a gift it would be, I can think of so many occasions right now.
    The photos are gorgeous,and so are the girls… you did a wonderful job!

  2. Donna

    How breathtakingly gorgeous! I cannot wait for the Soiree! I am bringing a few of my “tea” friends with me. They will be absolutely thrilled that we might win a Tea Gram!

  3. Teresa Sheeley

    Beautiful photography Heather. What a fantastic idea for a business. Please pass on well wishes for their new business.

  4. Jeanne

    Oh Heather, this looks absolutely scrumptious! What a beautiful display and what an enchanting business idea. I can’t wait for the soiree. It sounds like it’s going to be quite the event. I wish the girls great success with their new venture.

  5. traci

    what a wonderful idea. they are very lucky to have you take the photos. you did a beautiful job!

  6. Kelly Jones

    the photos look good enough to eat! Congrats to your friends on such a lovely idea! I wish them all the luck in their venture! I absolutely love the pattern on the red and white rose cup and saucer featured in the first photo. Do you happen to have any info. on the maker and pattern name?

  7. Donna O.

    I don’t know which is better- the idea or the photos!!! Both are fantastic. Seriously, this is a fabulous idea!!!
    Cream, no sugar.

  8. celia

    That’s gorgeous! But I bet they won’t have service in Tenerife, Spain, lol…
    But gorgeous anyway!

  9. Jess Gordon

    Everything is just too perfect for words! If anyone ever brought me a tea gram I would think I’d died and gone to heaven. They are going to do very well, I’m sure – especially with the help of your delightfully gorgeous photos! And I just have to add that you and your friends are all so pretty :).

  10. Chrissy Lambing

    Dear Heather, Thank you so much for all of your hard work yesterday. The photos are absolutely gorgeous as I knew they would be! I admire all of your work, and we are so blessed to have you as our photographer! We are so excited to start passing out our new business cards and brochures with your pictures! Thank you again and many blessings to you and your business. Sincerely, Chrissy

  11. Alauar Parrish

    Heather; my goodness what great photos, you have a great eye for setting up photos. And the idea if the bring a tea to your home, with all the trimmings, why I would feel like a Queen…. What a wonderful business to be in. Thank you for sharing…
    Have a great weekend.

  12. Tricia

    Hi Heather~
    Are you coming to texas for round top?
    Just curious if you were having another blog get together?
    The Red Door Antiques

  13. Edie Marie's Attic

    Hi Heather!
    What a fabulous business venture for your friends! I LOVE the idea of having a tea party come to YOU! And the cup & saucer as a momento is so lovely and very personal.
    Great photos Heather, as usual! You captured the specialness of their creation!!
    Hugs, Sherry

  14. Bristol

    Heather- I love that first picture it is my favorite. The linens folded up are wonderful. Such vivid photos. Can you come to Kentucky~ Hope your having a great weekend.

  15. Sher

    Gorgeous shots and the tea grams look delicious! I see a future online order from Tennessee coming their way…

  16. Dori

    What a lovely idea and such beautiful photos, Heather! Ohhh…after years of serving tea, it would be such a treat to have these ladies bring treats to me! lol! Best wishes!

  17. kayellen

    Hi Heather,
    I am so glad you told me to check out this post!!!I’m thrilled for each one these ladies!
    Can’t wait to connect with them and order a tea gram!

  18. Judy

    I love tea. The teacups are beautiful. I can hardly wait to find out more about the TeaGrams.

  19. Tracy

    Oh Heather! That is a simply wonderful and beautiful idea! I can’t wait until that goes online… my Mom would adore a tea gram! 🙂

  20. Angela McRae

    What a terrific idea! (And I just passed up a tea cart like that the other day!) Your photos are lovely and should certainly help in their advertising efforts. Nice work!

  21. tj seabert

    Dearest Heather,
    A thought turned into an idea, then turned into a dream, then a prayer, now its a reality! There are no words to experess my sincerest gratitude for your inspiration, encouragement, your gift of photography & design, and now we are on your Blog! Oh my goodness, my heart is just overflowing with joy as I look at how you captured us in pictures. Then to read the responses from your friends, what a blessing. We are open for business!!!!!!!!!!:) Tea Blessings, TJ

  22. chris

    I hope this is a HUGE success for your dear friends! looks just scrumptious from the photos! 🙂 chris

  23. Elaine L.

    I would love to know where they bought the tea cups in the next to last picture. I LOVE the colors of the two on top.

  24. Jeanne

    What a beautiful and creative business your friends have started! Your photography is stunning.

  25. Karla Smith

    I’m a big tea fan and delighted to see the art of tea come back Love the beautiful photos. Send happy wishes for a fun business. Something fun to look forward to.

  26. JoleeJane

    All I can say is Yummy!
    perfect time of the year to enjoy some fab tea and scones;)

  27. Missy

    How pretty..what a fun business
    Will you be adding new necklaces, I visited your shop and they are all sold out.

  28. phyllis

    Precious idea! I would love to have a wonderful old metal tea cart…something french…do you ever see such a thing?
    “Charette” is the word for cart…I think that is so cute 🙂

  29. Sara's Sweet Surprise

    Miss Heather~I live in the North West, away from my whole family in SO CAL. Living across the miles brings challenges in finding creative gifts for their special occasions. This Tea Party would be a lovely way of celebrating any event in their lives. The personally delivered touches I wished I could do for them, had I lived there. It will be so wonderful to give this gift to the Women I cherish.
    Thank The Girls!

  30. Sara's Sweet Surprise

    Miss Heather~I live in the North West, away from my whole family in SO CAL. Living across the miles brings challenges in finding creative gifts for their special occasions. This Tea Party would be a lovely way of celebrating any event in their lives. The personally delivered touches I wished I could do for them, had I lived there. It will be so wonderful to give this gift to the Women I cherish.
    Thank The Girls!

  31. Tami B.

    Hi Heather,
    A crazy question…when I saw your original post about this tea house, I ordered some tea from them and it was so good, and the packaging…so special!
    I’ve tried to call them and email the Orange Blossom Tea House, both to no avail.
    Might you know how I can contact them now? REALLY appreciate any help you can share 🙂 Thanks bunches!

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