Summer Cooler


Hot, hot, hot. The weather here has caught me by surprise once again. I always say I’m ready for summer and then wham, there it is and I’m complaining about the heat. I’ve been working on my garden in the coolness of the early evening and sitting out on the patio just when the sun is done for the day.

I thought I’d share my favorite Summer Cooler with you. It’s been an old stand by recipe for quite some time now and I haven’t met anyone who doesn’t like it.


Doesn’t it look refreshing? I can’t really say it’s a recipe because the ingredient list is extremely short. Two to be exact, not including garnishes, which is my favorite part. Lemon-lime soda, such as Squirt and Cranberry Juice.

I usually mix them equal parts or sometimes I add more Squirt if I want a “pink” drink. But you really cannot leave out the garnishes. Slice lemons, limes, add a few fresh raspberries or strawberries whatever you love will work fine. On special occasions I serve these in champagne flutes with a floating raspberry or two, very elegant. Oh, and I don’t add ice to the pitcher because it tends to water the drinks down too much.

I hope you give this no fail recipe concoction a try, I promise it will be a big hit. And if you have a favorite Summer Cooler I’d love to have your recipe! Stay cool everyone!

44 Responses to “Summer Cooler”

  1. Jenn

    I cannot believe how good that looks! I have never seen squirt before but I will be on the look out next time I am at the grocer….. maybe I won’t be able to find it in Canada? Is there an alternative to Squirt??

  2. DeniseLynn

    Oh it looks so fabulous and I am a huge squirt fan … I’ll be trying this for sure. I’m telling you those photos are total eye candy!

  3. row.

    looks so refreshing, do u know if the squirt has grapefruit juice?
    (hubby can’t have any)

  4. Sher

    oooh mrs. B this sounds lovely! Would be a great addition for the adults at our annual Cookout for the 4th! Thanks for sharing and the photos – as always – are divine!
    xo Sher

  5. jeanne

    Perfectly beautiful and very inviting. I will definately try this, thanks for sharing.

  6. Nancy

    Freeze some of the cranberry juice as ice cubes. No watering down!

  7. chris

    YUM heather! I’ve heard about your ca heatwave & this drink looks like a good way to hydrated while being delicious! I’ve never heard of squirt though-is it a west coast drink? you always make everything look soooo delicious!:) chris

  8. Ann

    That looks so refreshing. I don’t know if we have Squirt here but I will try substituting Fresca. That’s a grapefruity beverage for those that don’t know. One of my favorite treats for hot summer nights is cranberry juice over sherbert (any flavor). Yummy.

  9. Joy

    Love this Heather – we don’t have Squirt here but I am hoping it is similar to Sprite? ……

  10. Connie

    Yummmmm, my little kumquat!! Oh my we’ll be down in Moreno Valley in 2 weeks. I hope it cools down by then. Wheeeeeewwwwww……..

  11. Susan Drysdale

    This sounds yummy! We need something to stay cool here!

  12. buppy

    alright h. this sounds soooo quenching. i also make an elixer of “luv” it is anytype cran juice and gingerale plus anytype of garnish- limes are good. enjoy this can be served all year round espec val/ love day. thanks for the inspiring photos.

  13. Brenda Kula

    Your photo is so vividly colorful with beauty! Every day is special when you can create such simple loveliness!

  14. Jessica Young

    Where did those glasses come from? So cute!

  15. LeAnn

    Now only does it probably taste so refreshing it gives a great presentation and we all know presentation is everything. Thanks for sharing.

  16. jennifer

    I’m dying to try this but we don’t have squirt on the east coast (at least I don’t think we do). Is it lemon flavored soda?

  17. Alauar Parrish

    I am going to make your yummy cool drink for my honey bunny, aka husband. He will love it and so will my family. Will be great for cook outs. It is getting hot here too, Indiana, but today is is raining with hail. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Joy@CupidsCharm

    Hi Heather! That looks sooooo REFRESHING! I had to giggle though, my first thought was I wondered what that would taste like with some Grey Goose in it?? Does that make me bad? 🙂 Have a great week ~ xoxo Joy J.

  19. Stacey

    Gosh your drink looks refreshing, especially on a HOT day like today. I make a drink up that includes pomegranite juice and sprite or 7up. For fun you can put this in a fancy flute and drop some pomegrante seeds in, they add an extra treat when you are finished with the drink!

  20. keli

    cranberry and squirt…all packed and ready to head to the lake for a family reunion…thanks…that was perfect timing. enjoying my treasures from your farm chicks booth…thanks for making that trip.
    take care

  21. vintagesue of VRS

    Squirt is my fave, but too difficult to find on the eastern seaboard. I found it on my recent trip to SC and bought 3 fridgepacks. Guess how long it lasted? DANG! BTW, Wink is a poor-man’s Squirt, for all that are interested, not that that’s easier to find….
    And yes, a little vodka in it would be delish too!

  22. Teresa ~ French Poppy

    We will have to give this a try. Your photos are so pretty. A couple of my favorite drinks are (non-alcoholic) Sunny-D plus Sprite, and (alcoholic) Cowgirl Lemonade- Pink Lemonade with Vodka. Hope you are having some cool evenings! 🙂

  23. Laurie

    I tried this today and it was delicious.
    Thaks for sharing as your timing was execellent. I’m planning a bridal shower for my sister and this will be a hit.

  24. Laurie

    With all my spelling mistakes you would think I had spiked it!

  25. tammyCA

    This heat has been god-awful…113 degrees here! Our A/C can’t even keep up so it is still about 80 inside…I prefer 72, at least…never have been a hot weather person. Suppose to drop by tomorrow, thankful.
    Your drink looks refreshing & so pretty! I’ve been drinking plain ice tea mixed with lemonade or lemon slices in water…I’ll have to give yours a try since I love cranberry juice.

  26. Glenda

    These looks delicious !
    You make everything look so pretty. You have such a good eye for color.

  27. Trish D

    Ooh, those look absolutely scrumptious – too bad we can’t get Squirt on the East Coast! I know I could make do with Sprite or even Fresca, but it just doesn’t have the same zing.

  28. Brandie Pahl

    Oh, that looks delish! I’ll have to try that out, I’m always on the look out for good summer drinks. Thanks Heather!

  29. Mary

    Sounds perfectly refreshing to the palate and the mind (just two ingredients:)
    With Kidnness,

  30. Jenelle

    beautiful pictures…and my husband and I love that drink too 🙂 My favorite is Cranberry Juice and Sprite Spritzers~ they are our fave!!! Especially packed up with a big bag of popcorn(not that microwave stuff) on our way to the drive-in…now that is summer lovin’!

  31. Kim

    Thanks, this was very good! And I even used Diet Squirt and Diet Cranberry!

  32. Judy

    What a wonderful cooling drink. I love the fact that you can dress it up or down. The ingredients are on my grocery list. Thank you.


    Girl…Only you can make a simple drink recipe look like a million dollar ad campaign, your photos are such a treat, thanks again for my goodies, the presentation was fabulous as usual. Tracy at Madison’s Manor

  34. Andrea Huff aka lulu redstar

    My summer drink is “The lulu”:
    2 parts Ruby red grapefruit-infused vodka
    1 part Cranberry juice
    fresh lime wedge
    Combine all in martini shaker with LOTS of ice…Shake shake shake& pour into a VERY CHILLY martini glass.
    It’s refreshing w/out being too sweet!
    If you do not drink alcohol I’d substitute club soda/red grapefruit juice for vodka!
    xo lulu

  35. Terri/Grand Prairie, TX

    Thanks for the drink concoction. I love it! Very refreshing here in Texas too : )

  36. Sandra

    OMGoodness, we have called something very similar in our household our “special cocktail”. The only difference is we use Sprite instead of Squirt. We have been blending them up for years and for a special treat we serve them slushy. I now use sugarfree and no added sugar substitutes.

  37. Crystal

    I just jotted down the ‘recipe’. I’ll be making these later. I looooove Squirt so it’s gotta be good. :)Thanks!

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